New coins


Journeyman Pro
May 20, 2017
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Some of the new coins with King on have been released.

makes you realise that there will be several generations who have only ever had coins with Queen Elizabeth on.

With the other announcement it could be that they will never see a 1p or 2p coin without the Queens head on.
Coins, how quaint 🤭.

Not surprising about the Queen when you consider how long she reigned. Not sure I've ever handled coins with any picture on other than hers.

More and more irrelevant now though, as life becomes more cashless.
Some of the new coins with King on have been released.

makes you realise that there will be several generations who have only ever had coins with Queen Elizabeth on.

With the other announcement it could be that they will never see a 1p or 2p coin without the Queens head on.

did you know there were no 1p coins in 2018.. one the mums from the school was collecting them for something and asked us all to check our jars and me having a ridiculous (word of the day it seems) detective mind when I couldnt find any .. in all the coins we were looking. same with all the other mums and rather than just "thats unlucky" I found it odd that not one of us had one... considering I run the work tuckshop so I have more pennies about

so I did some digging

Some of the new coins with King on have been released.

makes you realise that there will be several generations who have only ever had coins with Queen Elizabeth on.

With the other announcement it could be that they will never see a 1p or 2p coin without the Queens head on.
As an elderly American, I'm a BIG fan of both 1p coins and old-fashioned subway tokens.

When I was at university, subway tokens in Boston were only twenty cents each.

During our low stakes poker games at school, the tokens were considered coins of the realm.
You had the ten cent "dime," the twenty-five cent "quarter," the fifty cent "half-dollar," and the twenty cent subway token,
all there in the pot.
I was born in the 1960s so had only known Elizabeth II.
But coin-wise I saw monarchs going back decades; George VI, George V, Edward VII and even Victorian bun head pennies could be found in your change, although they were often so worn you could barely read the writing on them.
I was born in the 1960s so had only known Elizabeth II.
But coin-wise I saw monarchs going back decades; George VI, George V, Edward VII and even Victorian bun head pennies could be found in your change, although they were often so worn you could barely read the writing on them.
I was born in the post WWII 1940s so I'd make a perfectly normal golf partner on GolfMates....kid.
did you know there were no 1p coins in 2018.. one the mums from the school was collecting them for something and asked us all to check our jars and me having a ridiculous (word of the day it seems) detective mind when I couldnt find any .. in all the coins we were looking. same with all the other mums and rather than just "thats unlucky" I found it odd that not one of us had one... considering I run the work tuckshop so I have more pennies about

so I did some digging

That just says none were minted in that year. But there were still rather a lot in circulation.
I was born in the post WWII 1940s so I'd make a perfectly normal golf partner on GolfMates....kid.
In case you are not aware we went to a decimal system in 1971

so the old coins were phased out

from the web

The changeover date was February 15, 1971. Old pennies and threepences could be used until August 1971 in multiples of 6d [2.5p]. Sixpences could be used until June 1980 with a value of 2.5p. Shillings could be used as 5p pieces until December 1990 and two shilling coins/florins could be used as 10p pieces until June 1993.
That just says none were minted in that year. But there were still rather a lot in circulation.
I had heard on the news the other day that there is no intention to mint any 1p and 2p coins for the foreseeable future because they considered there were enough in circulation.
There is another rumour that the 1p coin with be withdrawn from circulation (much like what happened to 1/2p).
In case you are not aware we went to a decimal system in 1971

so the old coins were phased out

from the web

The changeover date was February 15, 1971. Old pennies and threepences could be used until August 1971 in multiples of 6d [2.5p]. Sixpences could be used until June 1980 with a value of 2.5p. Shillings could be used as 5p pieces until December 1990 and two shilling coins/florins could be used as 10p pieces until June 1993.
I remember when that happened.
It was covered on American television.
At that point, I had never visited the UK yet.