Ryder Cup Winner
I'm unsure if anyone has seen or uses one of these, they are very popular with tour caddies and I've had one for a year now and it's probably the best towel I've had and believe me I've tried plenty. They are reasonably priced on eBay for around £15 or so.
This is their website.
Now last night I happened to be in Halfords and spotted this
Very similar product all be it the Halfords one is a bit smaller but at around £10 less its certainly worth considering.
Might not be of use to anyone but if one person benefits then :thup:
This is their website.
Now last night I happened to be in Halfords and spotted this
Very similar product all be it the Halfords one is a bit smaller but at around £10 less its certainly worth considering.
Might not be of use to anyone but if one person benefits then :thup: