lost power, cant work out why!


Medal Winner
Nov 18, 2015
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over the last few weeks i seem to have really lost power on my irons, im finding where i would usually hit for example a 7, im having to hit a 6 and still only just reaching where i usually would with a 7, i cant work out why, i also seem to be hooking the balls pretty often as well! im wondering ive i had some sort of injury effecting it, is there any sort of golf workouts to do, which improve golf fitness?
my take would say it's a good ways more likely to be a technique based issue as opposed to sudden lack of fitness, and if an injury there would be some kinda indication with some pain

couple of things could start to check over - though would save some heartache getting a Pro to take a look at what's goin down

check there's no lateral sway off of the ball with weight going onto outside of trail foot with trail leg really 'locking out' dead straight - weight needs to stay on inside of trail foot with a tad of flex still in the trail knee as you rotate to the top - tail leg and knee will straighten up some but you don't want that leg to ramrod stiff with the weight on the outside of the foot

make sure the shoulders rotate at 90º to the spine angle set-up posture during the backswing so the lead shoulder at least gets rotated to around the ball position & it's not a 'false turn' by tilting the lead shoulder down so it's still in front targets side of the ball at the 'top' of the swing

check when the lead arm is first horizontal to the ground in the backswing the angle between the lead arm and the club shaft is around 90º - to be able get there the handle has to lie at the base of the lead palm so more in the fingers not 'higher up' in the palm (if the handle lies high up in the lead palm the 'lever' of the wrist won't 'set' properly)
also to get a decent hand/wrist 'set' to get that '90º' the lead thumb hinges 'upwards' to more point to the sky when the lead arm is first horizontal to the ground rather than rolling over flatter to point behind you, behind the heel line

and in the downswing and through the strike gotta to swing and rotate against a real firm lead leg
over the last few weeks i seem to have really lost power on my irons, im finding where i would usually hit for example a 7, im having to hit a 6 and still only just reaching where i usually would with a 7, i cant work out why, i also seem to be hooking the balls pretty often as well! im wondering ive i had some sort of injury effecting it, is there any sort of golf workouts to do, which improve golf fitness?

How old are you?
If you have a smartphone or camera, film yourself when you are hitting balls on the range. I know this sounds dumb, but that way you might see if something in your swing has changed (or at least, if you don't know what your swing looked like before, if something looks different to what you think you are doing). I think, if your lack of power was caused by an injury of some sort, you would notice some pain or at least a reluctance to do certain movements. And a sudden drop in fitness/muscle power is unlikely, except if you recently had a major life change ... let's say you worked in construction alll your life and recently retired or something like that. I think it is more likely that some little glitch has crept into your swing.
Went through a similar problem. Had a lesson and it was down to a small change in posture and having the hands too far in front of the ball, coupled with a move forward with the weight. Changed posture (taller) hands not as far forward and aiming to keep behind the ball which in reality is putting me right on top at impact. Striking it lovely again, especially the irons