Hi ive been playing golf for around 4 month now, and been using wilson blades. These are the hardest to use from what ive heard when walking around the course and people asking what i have in my bag. Not too sure what my swing speed is or anything but its not too fast and not too slow i would say around average for a 21 male 5"6. I currently have a G5 3Wood which i can hit a fair distance straight most of the time. I was looking at the raptures and the G10 irons at the weekend i could generally hit the G10's better i dont know why cause i did better with Raptures on the course usign only 6 Iron. I have plently of money to buy the Raptures or something of this nature but not too sure what else is on the market for the same price. My 3 Wood is a regular shaft and hits around 215-220 on a good swing no side wind. Maybe more if i swing faster. Not even used a driver for more than 3-4 swings one day as i sliced it almost ever tiem so stuck with my 3Wood did hit one straight which went around 260 yards. Any idea which irons i should try cause im looking to get them just before or just after x mas if any one buys some clubs they dont want or like : )