Looking To Buy Irons And Driver


Nov 27, 2007
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Hi ive been playing golf for around 4 month now, and been using wilson blades. These are the hardest to use from what ive heard when walking around the course and people asking what i have in my bag. Not too sure what my swing speed is or anything but its not too fast and not too slow i would say around average for a 21 male 5"6. I currently have a G5 3Wood which i can hit a fair distance straight most of the time. I was looking at the raptures and the G10 irons at the weekend i could generally hit the G10's better i dont know why cause i did better with Raptures on the course usign only 6 Iron. I have plently of money to buy the Raptures or something of this nature but not too sure what else is on the market for the same price. My 3 Wood is a regular shaft and hits around 215-220 on a good swing no side wind. Maybe more if i swing faster. Not even used a driver for more than 3-4 swings one day as i sliced it almost ever tiem so stuck with my 3Wood did hit one straight which went around 260 yards. Any idea which irons i should try cause im looking to get them just before or just after x mas if any one buys some clubs they dont want or like : )



Grand Slam Winner
Mar 9, 2007
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It doesn't sound like you need a driver. I would wait a while until you get better at golf. Hard club to hit straight (regardless of the advertising).

Irons, Ping aren't my favourite brand, but always get good reviews.


Assistant Pro
Nov 20, 2007
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theres loads of different irons that could suit you

the pings you mention are a very good choice. raptures are marketed as an eassier to hit club than the g10's I THINK. but the G10's a newer.
also the callaway big berthas, callaway Fusions(pretty dear tho) are worth a try

Mizuno mx 19's is another choice. My first clubs were mizuno very good they were.

Look for clubs with a deep cavity there are others i havent mentioned but those are the main ones in my opinion.

Also most importantly get custom fitted by a pro as everyone is different height and swing style, clubs need to be adjusted to suit the golfer.
good luck


Oct 9, 2007
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would definately advise callaways for you i have been playing for about 2 yrs now and ive gt callaway x-14 steelhead irons and i swear by them, they are the nicest irons i have hit and they work well for me, sure they are old now a few yrs anyway but definately worth buyin, i wont be changing them for a while.