Head Pro
Hi all.
Just returned to golf after an absence of 8-10 years(many reasons)
I am in the age bracket where retirement is becoming a consideration although its on the horizon rather than imminent. I am 55 okay !!!! Basically got into a position where I have a bit more time to play and enjoy the game as I used to.
I played off 16 at my best and I think I can still hit the ball well enough and I am still mobile and supple enough to get back to around that level (3 stones heavier though)however, after the absence my game is a bit of an inconsistent mess.
Driving. I have a Cobra S2 regular. I feel like I swing quite fast and I strike the ball pretty well. It all feels good and, the odd slice apart I am straighter than I have ever been. Distance though. I'm just not getting any carry.Generally between 190 and 205. Our course is damp just now so run isn't a factor but I'd like to think I can carry it consistently 20 yards further at least. I have never been a high 200's man and don't really expect to ever be one. I'd be happy with a consistently straight 230-240 drive,including the run,that I can rely upon.
Irons are brand new Cobra S3max which I loved on the range but I am hitting fat on the course. Big divots, lots of fluffs. Frustrating because I know they are right for me from my range work and I hit them long high accurate and pretty consistent. Why am I not doing it on the course ?
Short game and woods and hybrids off the deck are fine, satisfactory.
Putting is horrendous but I am happy to wait till the greens improve to pass full judgement as they are awful at my club at the moment.
I will need lessons at some point. From the above, can anyone see the biggest area I might be able to work on myself for a bit and what area of my game should I be looking at lessons in first and foremost.
I want the best possible driver I can afford and I want to be fitted. When should you do that and make that commitment ? I can spend £200 or so but i only want to do it once? After playing regularly for a few months ? After a year. Right now ? When i get a handicap and get it down a bit ? After a driver specific lesson ? Or doesn't it really matter at mid to high handicap level ? Will going to a stiff flex help my distance on its own without a fitting ? How about a senior flex ?
My plan of attack for the year is to work away on my own for 3 months (with the odd social round) Then some lessons, then do my handicap card. I would be 25-28 if you gave me a card tomorrow which doesnt bother me ( never been a handicap snob) and is something to work from, then a fitting, then more lessons, then medals.
Lots of questions I know. Just looking to find out if anyone has decent advice which is contrary to the plan I have set for myself and if anyone is on a similar path to me or has any definite no no's I should be aware of. Should I just go and do the card right away and get right into medal play from the start for example. I am new to the club but quite easy going and sociable so meeting new people and playing with strangers doesn't bother me. Does it bother anyone else though. Will they want a newby hacker playing for his card losing his ball every 4th hole and spraying divots everywhere ? I only played in societies before, fairly big and very active ones so don't know a lot about the finer points of club membership.
Any contribution will help so crack on if you have something to add that might clear some of the fog for me and make the path a bit clearer and easier.
Just returned to golf after an absence of 8-10 years(many reasons)
I am in the age bracket where retirement is becoming a consideration although its on the horizon rather than imminent. I am 55 okay !!!! Basically got into a position where I have a bit more time to play and enjoy the game as I used to.
I played off 16 at my best and I think I can still hit the ball well enough and I am still mobile and supple enough to get back to around that level (3 stones heavier though)however, after the absence my game is a bit of an inconsistent mess.
Driving. I have a Cobra S2 regular. I feel like I swing quite fast and I strike the ball pretty well. It all feels good and, the odd slice apart I am straighter than I have ever been. Distance though. I'm just not getting any carry.Generally between 190 and 205. Our course is damp just now so run isn't a factor but I'd like to think I can carry it consistently 20 yards further at least. I have never been a high 200's man and don't really expect to ever be one. I'd be happy with a consistently straight 230-240 drive,including the run,that I can rely upon.
Irons are brand new Cobra S3max which I loved on the range but I am hitting fat on the course. Big divots, lots of fluffs. Frustrating because I know they are right for me from my range work and I hit them long high accurate and pretty consistent. Why am I not doing it on the course ?
Short game and woods and hybrids off the deck are fine, satisfactory.
Putting is horrendous but I am happy to wait till the greens improve to pass full judgement as they are awful at my club at the moment.
I will need lessons at some point. From the above, can anyone see the biggest area I might be able to work on myself for a bit and what area of my game should I be looking at lessons in first and foremost.
I want the best possible driver I can afford and I want to be fitted. When should you do that and make that commitment ? I can spend £200 or so but i only want to do it once? After playing regularly for a few months ? After a year. Right now ? When i get a handicap and get it down a bit ? After a driver specific lesson ? Or doesn't it really matter at mid to high handicap level ? Will going to a stiff flex help my distance on its own without a fitting ? How about a senior flex ?
My plan of attack for the year is to work away on my own for 3 months (with the odd social round) Then some lessons, then do my handicap card. I would be 25-28 if you gave me a card tomorrow which doesnt bother me ( never been a handicap snob) and is something to work from, then a fitting, then more lessons, then medals.
Lots of questions I know. Just looking to find out if anyone has decent advice which is contrary to the plan I have set for myself and if anyone is on a similar path to me or has any definite no no's I should be aware of. Should I just go and do the card right away and get right into medal play from the start for example. I am new to the club but quite easy going and sociable so meeting new people and playing with strangers doesn't bother me. Does it bother anyone else though. Will they want a newby hacker playing for his card losing his ball every 4th hole and spraying divots everywhere ? I only played in societies before, fairly big and very active ones so don't know a lot about the finer points of club membership.
Any contribution will help so crack on if you have something to add that might clear some of the fog for me and make the path a bit clearer and easier.
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