Lessons advice


Journeyman Pro
Mar 11, 2010
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Morning all,

Just wondering what everyone's thoughts are on having lessons but not having much/any time to practice the drills. My golf time is very limited due to my working hours versus my wife's. I work mon-fri 9-5pm and my wife works mon-fri 4-9pm so I have my daughter on an evening.

This year I'm playing once a week and having the other day for the family.

Is it worth me paying for lessons just to get the info and head straight out into the course without any dedicated practice time, or should I focus on some short game drills I can do in the garden



Money List Winner
Dec 3, 2010
Stevenage, Herts
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its a tough one as I was in the same boat, having a lesson then one range session a week and playing once a week. did me no good as the practice wasnt enough (for me) to bed things in and eventually I would go back to the old swing on the course.

I reckon aslong as you can do once a week and stick to it on the course which is tough as it will go to pieces a bit then it should be fine.

As I was only playing once a week for fun I stopped having lessons. Decided to start again now as swing is in tatters and need to put some time and effort in just to get back to where I was last Summer, which wasn't much cop then lol.

Maybe have one and try, nothing to lose bar a few quid :)


Journeyman Pro
Feb 9, 2010
Newcastle upon Tyne
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You do need to practice what's been shown to you otherwise you'll try it on the course, it won't work then you'll be on here saying pro's are useless and just after your money.

Saying that if your pro is decent and you explain to him you can't practice he might be able to tweek some small things, I wouldn't be expecting a massive difference or improvement though


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
It would make sense (to me) to go and have a lesson and ask the pro to show you IMPACT and tell you how to get there, what you have to do on the WAY DOWN to get a correct impact position. Leave the set up and swing stuff for a later day... Being off 28 you need to grasp the basics of hitting the ball so that you have something to aim for... a purpose, rather than just swinging at the ball for the next 6 months without knowing what you're supposed to be achieving to hit a good shot.