Laid off at the top.


Head Pro
Aug 31, 2012
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Among many flaws in my swing, the one I can't seem to eliminate is being laid off at the top,(maybe 30+ yards left of target) just wondering if anyone else has had the same problem and what drills you've used to overcome it.

I'm not sure what the negatives are of being laid off at the top of the backswing?

any help would be appreciated




Nov 16, 2011
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What problems are you having? Or are you simply trying to correct all your perceived faults?

Tends to be caused by too flat a swing and can be the cause of sh..ks - as/when the hosel leads on the down-swing.

One piece takeaway certainly helps. A drill is to place a tee or head-cover just inside the 'proper' line and make sure you back-swing goes outside that object.


Shorter swings can also give the impression of being laid off.


Tour Rookie
Jun 12, 2012
Gateshead, Tyne & Wear
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Well if you've got a 1 plane swing then being slightly laid off at the top is fine and correct, as per Jim Hardy in his book Plane Truth. If your shots are fine then don't worry about how it looks. Again Hardy says in his book the idea of a good swing is something that is repeatable and pretty constant. I got hooked up on trying to have the perfect swing, but no longer worry what it looks like just what the results are.

Deleted member 15717

Laid off at the top is a characteristic...leave it be. I'm slightly laid off. Sergio is slightly laid off. Suzanne Pettersen is slightly laid off. Embrace it Mr. West! Tretty is leaving mine laid off as there isn't much fundamentally wrong with it like that


Journeyman Pro
Mar 22, 2012
The wettest village in Scotland
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I'm slightly laid-off at the top but two different pros have said it doesn't concern them. (It's all the other things I need to worry about.)

I don't know enough about the golf swing to know how many different causes there could be, or how many bad things it could lead to. As Homer says, go to a pro and get a proper view on it.


Head Pro
Aug 31, 2012
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Thanks for the replies.

Foxholer: there are many problems, I sometimes roll my wrists during the takeaway leaving the face open, at impact I get slightly over the top. There is also some hip slide towards the target and because of that it makes impact very flicky/scoopy to get the face square. If I don't get the face square it does lead to a s**** as you say. Lots of flaws, like you said, they all probably stem from one thing, it's just finding that thing. I have been having lessons and have another coming up next week, I have tried to make the backswing as simple as possible and shorten it slightly which I understand will give the look of being slightly laid off. I'll try get a picture at the top next time I play.

If my timing is spot on I'll have a good day but if its slightly off it's bad and all the flaws get worse, the flicky bit at impact means I hit it high with not a lot of roll, the hip slide gets worse as I try to hit it harder which just sends it higher. Can be rather frustrating. M

Thanks again.



Tour Rookie
Jun 12, 2012
Gateshead, Tyne & Wear
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I can relate to rolling of the wrists in the takeaway and caused me problems. This is a very common flaw and causes a host of problems. Log on to you tube and type in "greatputt8" he has an excellent drill to help stop rolling the wrists, it has really helped me and strangely not an area explained properly by any pro I saw. The drill is headed "how to stop shanks and slices". It is a fantastic drill. Check it out


Nov 16, 2011
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Thanks for the replies.

Foxholer: there are many problems, I sometimes roll my wrists during the takeaway leaving the face open, at impact I get slightly over the top. There is also some hip slide towards the target and because of that it makes impact very flicky/scoopy to get the face square. If I don't get the face square it does lead to a s**** as you say. Lots of flaws, like you said, they all probably stem from one thing, it's just finding that thing. I have been having lessons and have another coming up next week, I have tried to make the backswing as simple as possible and shorten it slightly which I understand will give the look of being slightly laid off. I'll try get a picture at the top next time I play.

If my timing is spot on I'll have a good day but if its slightly off it's bad and all the flaws get worse, the flicky bit at impact means I hit it high with not a lot of roll, the hip slide gets worse as I try to hit it harder which just sends it higher. Can be rather frustrating. M

Thanks again.


If you are having lessons, you should 'trust your Pro' and ignore any advice (probably except about ignoring advice!) that you get from others! He's the guy that's properly trained to sort you out!

That said, the relationship with a Pro should be such that you can question him about what/why he is getting you to do certain things - or he should be telling you that in the first place. That's why I believe video-ed lessons, with a review part way through, are particularly beneficial. First part is current swing, then adjustment, then review to (hopefully) see the difference, then review, then back to amended swing to ensure change has 'stuck'.

Doesn't seem as if being - even quite - laid-off is your major 'problem'. I'd suggest you check with the Pro about priorities - and appropriate drills. It could well be worthwhile planning several steps out - and appropriate drills - but I've found many Pros seem reluctant to do this sort of planning.

If he is a video trainer, ask him who he is modelling your swing on. Most will have someone in mind, either as 'their' model (I'm not keen on this sort) or a particular model for your swing type (my preference).You can then video your own and compare it to the model - normally plenty of examples on YouTube.


Head Pro
Aug 31, 2012
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Ok, sounds good. He does have cameras for lessons, I shall ask the pro during my next lesson about the bits you've mentioned. Thanks for taking the time to reply, appreciate it.
