Is distance embarrassing?


Head Pro
Dec 23, 2012
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Was actually looking for a launch monitor thread but stumbled across a bunch of threads about driving distances for some reason. I'm new to the forum but on all of those threads it seemed like people were falling over themselves to say how short they were off the tee (ok, slightly overstating it, perhaps to prompt discussion....) whereas just about every other golf forum I've seen, guys lie blatantly about their driving distance. What gives?

I've worked hard over the last year on picking up a few yards off the tee. IMO it's a fundamental requirement for playing golf at a higher level these days. In fact that's not just my opinion, my coach who teaches guys up to and including national and tour level tells me it is. Faced with a 450 yard par 4, what's your plan if you drive the ball 220? Even my home course has a par 4 that long off the whites and a few others close to it, championship courses it's fairly standard to have numerous holes that long these days. Even on a shorter, slightly more reasonable hole, could a short hitter routinely put his 5 iron closer than a long hitter's PW? I'm guessing not. Whether guys like it or not golf has changed and distance IS important. I'd go as far as to say it's vital in order to play the game at a higher level than the monthly medal at a shortish track.

Getting distance is largely about balance and rhythm, anyone driving the ball short (with modern equipment) could, and maybe should, be getting a lot more distance. Anyone who's met me will vouch that it clearly isn't about physique! I honestly and truthfully could not hit the ball 200-210 yards with my driver if you paid me, physically couldn't do it. The laziest swing I could possibly put on it, it would go further. Hitting a drive a long way is about spin, launch angle and ball speed, probably in that order. If you're a short hitter I guarantee it's the first one where you're getting it wrong.

Being long off the tee isn't about willy-waving or macho-man stuff. It's about having a technique that allows you to maximise the distance you get given the physical attributes you have. Accuracy (or loss of it) has nothing to do with it - last time out with my old man I hit all but one fairway and out drove him by about 50 yards every time....... and one of these days I may even consider telling him how :)

The point is it's about technique not muscle. I have an indoor launch monitor and I guarantee if someone who is properly short off the tee came and used it I could add 20 yards if not more to their drive with no loss of accuracy. I'm not a pro, I just know how these things work. In fact, that's an open offer if any member wants to take me up on it - I live near Lincoln.

So, driving distance - only not important if you happen to be a short hitter or actually not important in the modern game of golf?


Global Moderator
Jun 9, 2009
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one of the best player i know (not the lowest handicap) is off 2 or 3 is almost 70 and plays at a course thats 6800 off the whites. 220 is a good drive for him, most holes are drive and wood/Hybrid

He complains about it all the time, but what a short game.


Tour Winner
Sep 23, 2010
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This could get interesting......

I'll try to answer before it gets silly!

Distance gives an advantage IMO, and not necessarily just with the driver which is where these discussions get lost imo. I'm not massively long, particularly not in forum terms... :whistle:

I play at a pretty long, tight course but being able to hit it reasonably far means a lot of par 4s I'm able to hit an iron off the tee when others need to hit driver or 3w, even par 5s hitting a long iron off the tee.

Problem you have where I play, particularly in the summer, is if you miss the fairways you can't score well regardless of how far its gone.


Head Pro
Sep 16, 2007
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Length is important for people looking to turn pro or play at high levels.
For most club level golfers accuracy is more important and for some neither is important as the golf is as much about the social as it is about the score


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Was actually looking for a launch monitor thread but stumbled across a bunch of threads about driving distances for some reason. I'm new to the forum but on all of those threads it seemed like people were falling over themselves to say how short they were off the tee (ok, slightly overstating it, perhaps to prompt discussion....) whereas just about every other golf forum I've seen, guys lie blatantly about their driving distance. What gives?

I've worked hard over the last year on picking up a few yards off the tee. IMO it's a fundamental requirement for playing golf at a higher level these days. In fact that's not just my opinion, my coach who teaches guys up to and including national and tour level tells me it is. Faced with a 450 yard par 4, what's your plan if you drive the ball 220? Even my home course has a par 4 that long off the whites and a few others close to it, championship courses it's fairly standard to have numerous holes that long these days. Even on a shorter, slightly more reasonable hole, could a short hitter routinely put his 5 iron closer than a long hitter's PW? I'm guessing not. Whether guys like it or not golf has changed and distance IS important. I'd go as far as to say it's vital in order to play the game at a higher level than the monthly medal at a shortish track.

Getting distance is largely about balance and rhythm, anyone driving the ball short (with modern equipment) could, and maybe should, be getting a lot more distance. Anyone who's met me will vouch that it clearly isn't about physique! I honestly and truthfully could not hit the ball 200-210 yards with my driver if you paid me, physically couldn't do it. The laziest swing I could possibly put on it, it would go further. Hitting a drive a long way is about spin, launch angle and ball speed, probably in that order. If you're a short hitter I guarantee it's the first one where you're getting it wrong.

Being long off the tee isn't about willy-waving or macho-man stuff. It's about having a technique that allows you to maximise the distance you get given the physical attributes you have. Accuracy (or loss of it) has nothing to do with it - last time out with my old man I hit all but one fairway and out drove him by about 50 yards every time....... and one of these days I may even consider telling him how :)

The point is it's about technique not muscle. I have an indoor launch monitor and I guarantee if someone who is properly short off the tee came and used it I could add 20 yards if not more to their drive with no loss of accuracy. I'm not a pro, I just know how these things work. In fact, that's an open offer if any member wants to take me up on it - I live near Lincoln.

So, driving distance - only not important if you happen to be a short hitter or actually not important in the modern game of golf?

Fine for single figure players like you with a modicum of ability. I am one of these short hitters averaging around the 235 mark. Am I embarrassed. Not on your nelly. I have 12 shots to play with and know my game and my ability. Why would I want to try and eek a drive out further and get my already wonky technique and timing out of kilter even more. I came runner up to Bladeplayer in the GM Centenary final and didn't take on any par 4 over 400 yards and left a 50-70 yard shot. I think from memory I scored at least two points on each one of these.

I have lessons and my technique is improving but I'm not the fittest and will still only get to a certain level (ideally 9) but that's more reliant on my short game bunker play and putting improving rather than bashing it further. Many on here won't have the time, money or inclination to invest in lessons and won't see any change to their driving distances but are happy with where they game is and it's about enjoying a round with friends and family.

In essence I think you're a long way off the mark here and as fishing trips go, better bait next time. We've had better


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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People don't tend to lie about their driving distances on this forum due to the fact me have many forum meets where 300yard carries can be easily verified.

Ive yet to meet anyone who is long, accurate and completely crap. I met a few with suspect short games but they are still easily single figures men without much of an all round game.


Money List Winner
Mar 7, 2012
Dunfermline, Fife
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While I agree that in some respects distance can help it is not the be all and end all at club golfer/amateur level. Many club courses habe not changed in over half a century or more and so hitting 30-40 yards longer than 20/30 years ago doesn't make a huge difference.
A good drive for me tops out at about 250 which I personally don't think is big by forum or most people's standards but at most courses I have played I rately get left with an unreachable par 4 but even then if it was 480 I can hit 250 and then play two to get close, maybe walk off with a par still.

Distance in the pro game is far more important with 550 and 600 yard holes getting sillier and sillier.

My mate regularly booms it 270 and 280 but misses greens from 120 and 130 yards and walks off with some stupid scores because of it.
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Deleted member 15344

I can hit it a decent distance - 250 plus on a regular basis and normally pretty straight - hit the odd big 300 yard one but thats in the summer if conditions are good

But im always of the belief that you can sacrifice a few yards if it means being in the fairway

Distance is good of the tee - it can help you score well and certainly hitting it longer can bring down the HC but only if its backed up with good approach play and short game

Seen a few people who are just focused on smashing it 300yards down the fairway - the fact they prob end up with a double or worse doesnt bother them because they have smashed it miles !

If a double figure HC is hitting it out to 300 yards then there must be a very big issue with their game somewhere


Assistant Pro
Jan 3, 2014
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Visit the majority of clubs in the uk and you'll find they the better (cat1) and best players at the club are there not because of their driving distance. They'll be at their level due to accuracy and consistency. They score well as they make the game easy fir themselves by keeping the ball on the fairway and allowing themselves straightforward approach shots. When their game is slightly off the boil they'll still score as their short game will be good.

Distance matters even less at the next level down (hc 6-10), you'll find lots of these guys are at that level again because they keep the ball in play more often.

Was actually looking for a launch monitor thread but stumbled across a bunch of threads about driving distances for some reason. I'm new to the forum but on all of those threads it seemed like people were falling over themselves to say how short they were off the tee (ok, slightly overstating it, perhaps to prompt discussion....) whereas just about every other golf forum I've seen, guys lie blatantly about their driving distance. What gives?

I've worked hard over the last year on picking up a few yards off the tee. IMO it's a fundamental requirement for playing golf at a higher level these days. In fact that's not just my opinion, my coach who teaches guys up to and including national and tour level tells me it is. Faced with a 450 yard par 4, what's your plan if you drive the ball 220? Even my home course has a par 4 that long off the whites and a few others close to it, championship courses it's fairly standard to have numerous holes that long these days. Even on a shorter, slightly more reasonable hole, could a short hitter routinely put his 5 iron closer than a long hitter's PW? I'm guessing not. Whether guys like it or not golf has changed and distance IS important. I'd go as far as to say it's vital in order to play the game at a higher level than the monthly medal at a shortish track.

Getting distance is largely about balance and rhythm, anyone driving the ball short (with modern equipment) could, and maybe should, be getting a lot more distance. Anyone who's met me will vouch that it clearly isn't about physique! I honestly and truthfully could not hit the ball 200-210 yards with my driver if you paid me, physically couldn't do it. The laziest swing I could possibly put on it, it would go further. Hitting a drive a long way is about spin, launch angle and ball speed, probably in that order. If you're a short hitter I guarantee it's the first one where you're getting it wrong.

Being long off the tee isn't about willy-waving or macho-man stuff. It's about having a technique that allows you to maximise the distance you get given the physical attributes you have. Accuracy (or loss of it) has nothing to do with it - last time out with my old man I hit all but one fairway and out drove him by about 50 yards every time....... and one of these days I may even consider telling him how :)

The point is it's about technique not muscle. I have an indoor launch monitor and I guarantee if someone who is properly short off the tee came and used it I could add 20 yards if not more to their drive with no loss of accuracy. I'm not a pro, I just know how these things work. In fact, that's an open offer if any member wants to take me up on it - I live near Lincoln.

So, driving distance - only not important if you happen to be a short hitter or actually not important in the modern game of golf?


Assistant Pro
Feb 8, 2013
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i can on occasion hit decent drives but find more often than not I'm all over the place, i would gladly settle for a consistent but shorter drive, as long as you can get a look at the par 4s with 2 shots its not the end of the world, i quite often go 3 wood then mid/low iron for the 350-400 yard par 4s


Aug 19, 2011
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Generally, if I try to hit the ball harder it goes less far! Put a ball into a fairway bunker that I normally carry easily for this reason during my last round, even though it was downwind. The hole is a short par-4 and I was trying to reach the green in one! :(

Dave B

Q-School Graduate
Dec 26, 2011
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It's easy when you take golf up at an early age, have the flexibility, fitness and time to put it all together.

I'm a short hitter who didn't come into the game until I hit my 40's. However it doesn't stop me playing good golf or winning competitions because I have a great friend called the handicap secretary ;).

Because I only hit the ball a short way he's given me a great weapon called an extra shot :D

This little beauty means that on a par 4, 450yd hole I can take a 5 wood, hit it down the middle twice which then leaves me with a wedge inside 100 yds to the green. If it's a low index hole I might even get two shots.

The low handicap player can smoke his drive 260 yds and will still have 190 to the green assuming his drive has gone straight.

At club level, the best weapon you can have isn't distance, it's knowing your course and how to use your handicap.

It's great watching a low handicap player smoking every drive however when you have a handful of shots in your pocket it's a great leveller.


Ryder Cup Winner
Jul 14, 2011
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Your man jay at our place. Bombs it, no course strategy and ropey enough short game.

If you could hit the ball like him you would have a couple of tour wins under your belt. :rofl:

Booooo - you said a few......... :)

Yes I would, sadly I haven't, and I have more above the belt than below it.:(