Head Pro
I just got back from the apple store where I had hoped to get my 3GS - which is 3/4 yeard old - sent off for a new battery. However, the guy in the shop said that it wasn't needed as my battery was still operating at 90% and instead i should let the battery fully decharge and then fully recharge and also disable a few apps that have location settings as they drain the battery. It sounded to me as though i was being fobbed off, but why would they do that seen as I am paying for a new battery? I'm currently charging pretty much every day which i never used to do. Also i can't alsways let the phone fully decharge because this would happen when i was out an about so instead i have to charge in the morning when it still has 15% left.
Has anyone had any experience with apple and replacement batteries?
Has anyone had any experience with apple and replacement batteries?