Innocuous injuries


Q-School Graduate
Sep 3, 2015
whitley bay
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Was due to play first thing yesterday morning. Got out of bed, had a shower, feeling great. Pulled the base layer over my head - bang - massive pain in my neck and upper back. Took the dog out for a walk, still pretty painful. Had a couple of practice swings in the garden - agony. Had to bow to the inevitable and cancel the game.

Have been dosing up on ibuprofen gel and paracetamol but it's just as bad this morning.

Properly peed off! I guess old age doesn't come on it's own.


The Grinder Of Pars (Semi Crocked)
Mar 15, 2008
Aylesbury Bucks
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My knees have never been good and the right one has taken the brunt of my problems..
The left one?
Just a cortisone injection and 6 weeks immobilised 30 years ago when a tendon began to detach.
I was playing golf back in October, put my left foot down slightly awkwardly and got a jolt of pain.
Thought nothing of it as something always hurts..
3 days later and I can barely walk on it let alone make a swing.
It was swollen badly and the Dr reckoned it was an arthritis flare up that could take months to settle....she wasn't wrong.
Still problematic nowadays probably will be until deteriorates further and I need a new one....


Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 6, 2010
Herts/Beds border
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My knees have never been good and the right one has taken the brunt of my problems..
The left one?
Just a cortisone injection and 6 weeks immobilised 30 years ago when a tendon began to detach.
I was playing golf back in October, put my left foot down slightly awkwardly and got a jolt of pain.
Thought nothing of it as something always hurts..
3 days later and I can barely walk on it let alone make a swing.
It was swollen badly and the Dr reckoned it was an arthritis flare up that could take months to settle....she wasn't wrong.
Still problematic nowadays probably will be until deteriorates further and I need a new one....

Get in the queue now unless youre paying privately, you might get one by 2030


Well-known member
Jan 24, 2021
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Was due to play first thing yesterday morning. Got out of bed, had a shower, feeling great. Pulled the base layer over my head - bang - massive pain in my neck and upper back. Took the dog out for a walk, still pretty painful. Had a couple of practice swings in the garden - agony. Had to bow to the inevitable and cancel the game.

Have been dosing up on ibuprofen gel and paracetamol but it's just as bad this morning.

Properly peed off! I guess old age doesn't come on it's own.
Trapped a nerve in my shoulder/neck putting the seat belt on driving to play golf years ago. Played anyway. Better than usual.


Well-known member
Jan 3, 2021
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I started getting pain in my shin last Sunday evening after golf. It was still painful on Tuesday but I played anyway. Still painful on Thursday and probably shouldn't have played, but it was my last planned game for a couple of weeks. Barely got around the course and struggled a bit to drive home. Took my sock off and my ankle had swollen up a lot. Think I might have shin splints so I'm going to rest it for a few days and go to the doctor if it's not better. I've never suffered with them before and golf and gardening are the only exercise I get. I'm desperately hoping it gets better soon