Assistant Pro
What a disgrace!!!!
Mine's worn out
The 1st qualifier of the season and our 1st real outing on greens. I feel sick to be honest. :angry: Never in my life have I seen so many unrepaired pitchmarks. I'm a keen astronomer as well as golfer and I honestly believe that some of our greens could resemble parts of the moon!!
What is wrong with people? I don't believe it's down to pay and play/visitors either. We're not that busy so it has to be the members (the half past 6 in the morning , 2 hours 30 mins a round, can't rake a bunker either and in for a cup of tea and moan about the price of it before going home for a snooze brigade)
As you can see, I'm not bitter!
I'm gutted!
After the winter we've had you would think people would appreciate what we've got more!
Never hit the ball so well in my life and I've got a .1
I hope you all have more respectful/thoughtful/considerate/and golf minded members at your places than we do!
Anyway......... New plan for next week. I'm not going to even bother trying to read a putt. I'm just going to hit the ball in the rough direction of the hole and take it from there.
Sorry for the rant but I feel much better now(ish).
Mine's worn out
The 1st qualifier of the season and our 1st real outing on greens. I feel sick to be honest. :angry: Never in my life have I seen so many unrepaired pitchmarks. I'm a keen astronomer as well as golfer and I honestly believe that some of our greens could resemble parts of the moon!!
What is wrong with people? I don't believe it's down to pay and play/visitors either. We're not that busy so it has to be the members (the half past 6 in the morning , 2 hours 30 mins a round, can't rake a bunker either and in for a cup of tea and moan about the price of it before going home for a snooze brigade)
As you can see, I'm not bitter!
I'm gutted!
After the winter we've had you would think people would appreciate what we've got more!
Never hit the ball so well in my life and I've got a .1
I hope you all have more respectful/thoughtful/considerate/and golf minded members at your places than we do!
Anyway......... New plan for next week. I'm not going to even bother trying to read a putt. I'm just going to hit the ball in the rough direction of the hole and take it from there.
Sorry for the rant but I feel much better now(ish).