I need a new pitchmark repairer!


Assistant Pro
Oct 5, 2011
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What a disgrace!!!!

Mine's worn out

The 1st qualifier of the season and our 1st real outing on greens. I feel sick to be honest. :angry: Never in my life have I seen so many unrepaired pitchmarks. I'm a keen astronomer as well as golfer and I honestly believe that some of our greens could resemble parts of the moon!!

What is wrong with people? I don't believe it's down to pay and play/visitors either. We're not that busy so it has to be the members (the half past 6 in the morning , 2 hours 30 mins a round, can't rake a bunker either and in for a cup of tea and moan about the price of it before going home for a snooze brigade)

As you can see, I'm not bitter!

I'm gutted!

After the winter we've had you would think people would appreciate what we've got more!

Never hit the ball so well in my life and I've got a .1

I hope you all have more respectful/thoughtful/considerate/and golf minded members at your places than we do!

Anyway......... New plan for next week. I'm not going to even bother trying to read a putt. I'm just going to hit the ball in the rough direction of the hole and take it from there.

Sorry for the rant but I feel much better now(ish).
I really don't see the problem in repairing pitch marks,it literally takes no time or effort to do. The ones that fail to do it will probably be the 1st to complain about the state of the greens.
i was at longniddry for the winter and they have a wee system, depending on your surname, you take responsibility to tend one green (and repair any that you make of course). So hubbys surname begins with A and he has to fix any pitch marks on the 1st. cept there arent any unless he makes one. cos people have been fixing them!

seems to work ;)
It seems the same at most clubs disappointingly, just downright idleness to have a quick check short of your ball and repair at least one pitch mark.
If everyone did there own there wouldn't be any.
I noticed that yesterday mate although the charity day was a success a fair few of those that played weren't really golfers so could be worse than normal, I find the 15th to be the worst coz people hit that when playing for the 6th and don't repair. If we had a pro who cared he would highlight to everyone the importance of repairing marks when they booked in
I had the same rant at the weekend. Playing a monthly comp on Saturday, so only memebers on the course, and I repaired 11 pitchmarks on our 15th green, one of which was mine. It's an absolute joke.

I really don't understand it. I've always been quite proud of a decent pitchmark ever since I was a kid and when I've hit a green the first thing I do is search out where I carried to and how far back or forward the ball has gone from there. Repairing it then takes seconds!!!!!!
I had the same rant at the weekend. Playing a monthly comp on Saturday, so only memebers on the course, and I repaired 11 pitchmarks on our 15th green, one of which was mine. It's an absolute joke.

I really don't understand it. I've always been quite proud of a decent pitchmark ever since I was a kid and when I've hit a green the first thing I do is search out where I carried to and how far back or forward the ball has gone from there. Repairing it then takes seconds!!!!!!

Same for me, I enjoy repairing them.
It never cesses to amaze me the mount of guys who don’t even have a pitch mark repairer.

I suggested that the starter at our club asked all members to present one on the first tee, if they don’t have one, they have to buy one… that would be a start.
As Peter Allis has said many times, if we all repaired our own plus one other on every green then pretty soon, they would be unheard of.

This is what I have done on every golf green I have been on over the last 32 years.
I'm a new golfer and have only played at 3 different local courses, but I've been completely gob-smacked at the lack of care shown by golfers. Maybe it's down to the courses I've played having no restrictions on visitors, but you couldn't count the number of divots that haven't been replaced or unrepaired pitch marks.
As Peter Allis has said many times, if we all repaired our own plus one other on every green then pretty soon, they would be unheard of.

This is what I have done on every golf green I have been on over the last 32 years.

I subscribe to this mentality.

While waiting to putt on a gren at the weekend, while my parteners lined up putts i repaired what I saw. In the space of a couple of minutes I repaired 5 or 6 that were in plain sight..... Sheer lazyness.

Wychwood Park have this sign up on the 1st tee.


I think it's an excellent idea myself :thup:
I subscribe to this mentality.

While waiting to putt on a gren at the weekend, while my parteners lined up putts i repaired what I saw. In the space of a couple of minutes I repaired 5 or 6 that were in plain sight..... Sheer lazyness.

Wychwood Park have this sign up on the 1st tee.


I think it's an excellent idea myself :thup:

i do this anyway ! if i see 1 i repair it , even if its nowhere near my ball
It's not even a 30 second job, that can be done while you're playing partners are walking up or putting out there really is no excuse. I got done a couple of times this weekend when putting from the fringe but I made sure I went back and repaired the marks after I putted out!
It's not even a 30 second job, that can be done while you're playing partners are walking up or putting out there really is no excuse. I got done a couple of times this weekend when putting from the fringe but I made sure I went back and repaired the marks after I putted out!
When you say "done" do you mean there was a pitch mark on the green on the line of your putt?
Cos if the mark is on the green, you can repair it before putting if you wish, regardless of where you are putting from- on or off the green
I have proof as we are one of the first groups out every weekend an there are 2 groups that go out around 6:30 before the actual start sheet times and there is always a few new pitch marks on every green
i do this anyway ! if i see 1 i repair it , even if its nowhere near my ball
Cannot see the need for this sign as if it is being followed as it should be then there must be a fair few golfers who are ignoring it. a bit after the horse has bolted.
I have proof as we are one of the first groups out every weekend an there are 2 groups that go out around 6:30 before the actual start sheet times and there is always a few new pitch marks on every green

That's not actiually proof!

I was first out on Sunday and repaired about 4 or 5 on every green!!!!

A long tee is the best repairer imo.

And make sure you repair it correctly, from outside in as opposed to the way many do it lifting the centre with the tool as if it's a weed to be extracted. Here's a vid of the correct way http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15AshbIV7_o