I have a dilemma ;(


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Jun 30, 2010
Rochester (Kent)
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I feel like I'm in a massive dilemma.
Basically I got my first handicap about 4 weeks ago and it was a lot better than I was expecting (11) so now I have this handicap which was way better than I was expecting and feel under immense pressure to play to 11 all the time, I know this is not realistic but that what it feels like. Since I have got my hc my whole body feels very tensed and sometimes I notice Iv even stopped breathing when addressing the ball.
In the last few weeks Iv tried to produce more power by trying to hit further down the line and getting my hips facing the target quicker and when I catch it decent I get a massive high draw but thats only about 5/10 when before I would still hit a lovely draw at about 8/10 shots just without as much distance. I'm convince it due to me feeling very tensed and address and the longer I stand over the ball making sure I'm ready to hit it I get even more tensed.

So after all that what ways do people release the pressure before swinging and what's your trigger move ? Iv tried the forward press and it's ok but there just something that I don't feel comfortable with.

Any tips ?
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Tour Winner
Sep 3, 2009
North Ayrshire
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Re: I a dilemma ;(

dont sweat it and dont put pressure on yourself, your handicap will go back up and level out. then it will fall. i was given 16 then went to 20 in three years. then cut to 12 in three weeks. just play golf and enjoy it.


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
Re: I a dilemma ;(

I'm sure you wouldn't have got 11 as a h/cap if you didn't deserve it. Don't sweat it... just hit the ball and try to keep it in play.... those extra 10yds generally aren't worth it :thup:


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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Re: I a dilemma ;(

Keep relaxed and play the same way as you did when you when you got your 11 handicap. Dont wory about distance for now, focus on making good ball impact and your short game. You may soon be down to singles that way.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Re: I a dilemma ;(

Go out and play golf. Don't try and force it to play to the handicap. You won't manage it which is why you get 0.1 back to compensate. It isn't meant to be easy but putting pressure on yourself is going to make it even harder


Money List Winner
Mar 4, 2009
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Re: I a dilemma ;(

Until you stop putting pressure on yourself, you've got no chance of playing your best.

I say you've got to be able to go out and make a total mess of it (90, 100, 110 whatever, depending) and not care too much, see "losing" as a temporary loss of form on the road to something better.

I've decided that for the rest of this season, I'm not going to grind out a result in the buffer zone, I'm just going to have a crack over the last few holes if it's gone bad and take the 0.1s

Don't force it, soon enough you'll feel good and play good and that will wipe out any 0.1s. :)

North Mimms

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Apr 22, 2012
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I feel like I'm in a massive dilemma.
Basically I got my first handicap about 4 weeks ago and it was a lot better than I was expecting (11) so now I have this handicap which was way better than I was expecting and feel under immense pressure to play to 11 all the time, I know this is not realistic but that what it feels like. .

Any tips ?

Remember that your hcp reflects your best golf... you are not expected to play to 11 ALL the time, more like one round in ten


Money List Winner
Dec 31, 2008
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If you are holding your breath, I suggest you keep your pre shot routine as short as possible! ;)

Or play with a trained first aider


Money List Winner
Feb 4, 2010
north yorks
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Don't try to do anything different, you were playing good golf to get 11handicap. You even had a rounding in that if I remember correctly so for 17 holes you played single figure golf, so there is no need to try and force if further, or try miracles shot you need to relax and ease your expectations.
I would suggest a doc bob book, and maybe try chewing gum a couple of things that helped me when I found myself in a similar position a few years ago.
Also playing comps you find yourself thinking more you shouldn't do anything different to your normal bounce game. A lot easier said than done and something we all do.
Hope the we've all helped in some little wat and you can relax and ENJOY! :)


Tour Rookie
Aug 6, 2007
Croydon, Surrey
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Sounds to me like you feel that you have to hit each shot perfectly to play to 11. However, you have to accept that you will hit a few bad shots a round.
Also, your pre shot routine should focus on what you want to do (and not what you want to avoid).
Finally, no swing thoughts about mechnics. Have a visual swing cue ideally (e.g. the shape and flight of the ball) or a feel swing cue (e.g. feeling balanced at address).