There's a lot of sense in there, but it's not really a surprise because the article focusses on the outliers. i'd warrant the majority on this board fall into the category of "could do with some more, but don't necessarily struggle too much". I've always maintained if i won the lottery I wouldn't want the £150m win - it's way too much.Just a million to take the worry out of life.
I've always said Id love to win the money but would prob end up buying houses for a few friends to ease their financial situation ..
Set up the girls with houses
But sounds more a burden to be the one with the cash
Would you buy your work mates dinner though?
Bizarre article. The money is not the problem - its the lifestyle/drive/ambition that generates the money that causes the problem. Each of the subjects mentioned in the article have enough money to say, "sod it, I'm going to stop, and do whatever I want instead". But they don't. Whereas some of us do do it - and with a much lower level of capital behind us.
I would say that you need to marry someone who had Non-Dom status and who has a share dividend income of over £10 million a year while you get the job of setting the tax rates for the country you live in.
Then you've cracked it, I reckon.
The real trick is then convince everyone else that the person who struggles to find work is the real problem and they should get less and less
I don’t need more money. Id like financial freedom but that’s unattainable without work and I don’t like work. A lottery win would be nice though.
I earn enough for my living, no desire to earn more as all i’d do is buy more, upgrade my house, car and overall bills. The percent of what’s left over after bills wouldn’t change with more salary because how I am with money.
I’m comfortable, and I’ll stick with that.
Go to work, do abit, come home, play golf, go on holidays. Rinse and repeat till death, lots worse off than me.
(Don’t know the nature of your job and hence the post)… but will you always be able to do your job.. Jobs routinely get outsourced (cough P&O) .. but more likely some will get completely eliminated by robotics and digital. (And I am talking about skilled jobs - Doctors, lawyers etc) would you need Driving Instructors if cars are fully autonomous? Most pre-teens living in London now have no desire to learn to drive a car ..