Heatings on...


Well-known member
Jun 25, 2012
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Not sure if its because I was as asparagus as a newt last night or what but I've just put the central heating on for the first time in months, its bleedin' cold!
I'm playing central heating chicken. I don't care how cold it gets, I'm not putting it on until everyone else has got theirs on... I've got the kids winter jackets out for them to sleep in...
ours went on 4 weeks ago :angry:

while family down south still have their patio doors open ALL DAY..........and I mean ALL DAY......

north south divide is averaging around 7-10 degrees which makes a big difference when its 23* East Sussex and 13* Central Scotland..
ours went on 4 weeks ago :angry:

while family down south still have their patio doors open ALL DAY..........and I mean ALL DAY......

north south divide is averaging around 7-10 degrees which makes a big difference when its 23* East Sussex and 13* Central Scotland..

Our Patio Doors are open whenever there's someone in the house during the day still, had to close at about 9 last night though! So far no sign of the central heating but hey still officially got another 11 or 12 days of Summer yet - Hence the downpour on my walk to work this morning!!
Ours hasn't really been off, we just turn the thermostat down so that it only comes on if it's very cold.

It's been turned up recently though, and I'm sitting in my office with a hoodie on because it's blimmin' cold in here today.
Not on here and still braving shorts round the house. It was rather nice to need the duvet on last night rather than kicking hot legs and arms out from under it :o

Mind you as soon as goosebumps appear the heating will be straight on!
No chance of it coming on. HID is whining but she has a fleece thing under the stairs to snuggle under watching TV and I've "politely" suggested she digs it out

Not a snuggle!!!!!

Weird hear today temperature went between 10 and 16 but never really felt cold.
The tog 13 is back on the bed though.

School back, heating on ......guaranteed colds next week.
A sweater that's in the wardrobe is free so why put the heating on? FISH it wasn't cold in Cov yesterday so man up ;). Imagine what you lot would do if you lived in the artic with just a log fire, you'd be up a creek you softies.