Not sure if its because I was as asparagus as a newt last night or what but I've just put the central heating on for the first time in months, its bleedin' cold!
ours went on 4 weeks ago :angry:
while family down south still have their patio doors open ALL DAY..........and I mean ALL DAY......
north south divide is averaging around 7-10 degrees which makes a big difference when its 23* East Sussex and 13* Central Scotland..
You lot are nesh! I'm sitting here in a t-shirt, it's still toastie!
Soft, whimpy (feeling the cold)! Thought it was common-place in areas less northern than Edinburgh though (HID from Derbyshire).
No chance of it coming on. HID is whining but she has a fleece thing under the stairs to snuggle under watching TV and I've "politely" suggested she digs it out