Have you ever...........................


Money List Winner
Nov 25, 2011
Greensboro, North Carolina.
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Have you ever gone out to play and been, handicap wise, by far the worse golfer? Went with a friend to his track this morning and played with him and a couple of his mates. These were the handicaps for them: +4.4, +4.2, +2.3 :eek:. When I turned up my mate told me I need to bring my 'A' game today or we will get smashed. You can only imagine how I was feeeling when I went ot the first tee for only the 3rd time since September and these boys are playing 3 or 4 times a week. Yes we lost by 2 shots, but oh my god how good are they?

The 3 of them play round elite amateur tournaments and think any score in the 70's is a bad day. I think anything in the 70's is a good one. My last official handicap was 3.2 and I am probably playing about 6 now. So in theory I should have recieved 10 shots, but players of this level do not play with shots, it is all man on man. Have you ever gone out playing without shots against players that are 10 shots better than you in a better ball stroke play scenario?

Deleted member 16999

I got asked (was the only one there) to play for our Club Team in an away Cup match when one of the other players failed to show. I was off 10 and played a guy of 2, so just the 8 shots difference, off scratch and got beat 2&1, didn’t feel too bad getting that close.

Deleted member 29109

When I first took up golf I regularly played with scratch and + handicap players.

I learned a lot very quickly, and is probably the reason why I'm only really interested in gross scores or matchplay with no shots.


Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 6, 2010
Herts/Beds border
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Have you ever gone out to play and been, handicap wise, by far the worse golfer? Went with a friend to his track this morning and played with him and a couple of his mates. These were the handicaps for them: +4.4, +4.2, +2.3 :eek:. When I turned up my mate told me I need to bring my 'A' game today or we will get smashed. You can only imagine how I was feeeling when I went ot the first tee for only the 3rd time since September and these boys are playing 3 or 4 times a week. Yes we lost by 2 shots, but oh my god how good are they?

The 3 of them play round elite amateur tournaments and think any score in the 70's is a bad day. I think anything in the 70's is a good one. My last official handicap was 3.2 and I am probably playing about 6 now. So in theory I should have recieved 10 shots, but players of this level do not play with shots, it is all man on man. Have you ever gone out playing without shots against players that are 10 shots better than you in a better ball stroke play scenario?

played a scratch 4somes with a future pro against a pair of plus handicaps at the Oxfordshire, was by far the chopper in the group. also played with a couple of pros and a scratch and was given choice of partner rather than any shots lol, 3 guys all trying to avoid eye contact as i picked haha

Voyager EMH

Slipper Wearing Plucker of Pheasants
Mar 14, 2021
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Many years ago, in a first team league match on my own course I played against this chap who was way out of my class. I won the first hole with a par. He dropped no more shots, made four birdies and an eagle and beat me 7&6. He was county champion several times and the course record holder at my club at that time without ever having been a member there. It was my privilege to get to play with him. He won't remember that match - why would he? I do, obviously. I might have been off 4 at the time and he might have been +3, if memory serves. Quite a big gap for scratch matchplay.


Journeyman Pro
May 20, 2017
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A couple of times I was drawn against the best player in the club in KO matches.

In one match he was trying to drive the 9th green and hopefully single putt for a front 9 of 27.


Head Pro
Jan 10, 2016
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Not sure why, but I always seem to play better when playing with low handicap players. I like to think it’s because the round seems to flow quite well rather than being stop start.


Money List Winner
Nov 25, 2011
Greensboro, North Carolina.
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I am virtually always the highest handicap in my groups. Hoping that will change soon! Play your own game, enjoy theirs.

I always play my own game, but regarding enjoying their game......................... I hit a really good 3W off the first tee and one of the lads hit his 3i 260 yards next to it. I've never played with someone who hits hte ball like that, straight too. For gods sake, he stood on the 18th waiting for the green to clear, 346 yards away, he didn't hit it. He ended up missing missing the green by 10'. Elite amateurs play at a different level.


Journeyman Pro
Jun 9, 2012
New Forest
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Not sure why, but I always seem to play better when playing with low handicap players. I like to think it’s because the round seems to flow quite well rather than being stop start.
A piece of advice I was given when first starting out was 'always try to play with better players, you'll either raise your game because of it or drag them down to your level!'


Head Pro
Jan 10, 2016
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A piece of advice I was given when first starting out was 'always try to play with better players, you'll either raise your game because of it or drag them down to your level!'

Tested the theory today, playing with 2 single figures this morning. I shot 84 with 4 double bogeys and a triple……one of those what could have been rounds. It should have been sub 80 comfortably but just couldn’t get the pace of the greens at all.


Money List Winner
Jun 30, 2009
Bearwood Lakes, Berks
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Got paired with a guy at a course in San Diego, me a 9 handicapper at the time, he turned out to be a (as it was then called) Nationwide Tour pro, so not sure what the shot difference would be. And he was a long hitter even by Nationwide Tour standards. Nice to see that sort of hitting up close.

Played with the then +4 club champ at Silloth, (so a 13 shot difference) as he smoothed it round on a not easy day in 64 gross.


Well-known member
Dec 24, 2018
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when I play with better players - and I do like to - I try to get it into my mind that, whilst they are better golfers than I am, it doesn’t mean they are a better person than me. Bit of nonsense really, but it helps my confidence.


Major Champion
Sep 22, 2009
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Some time back I was practising on the putting green when our club was starting a seniors match with Littlestone Golf Club and apparently a mix up left us one player short. I was asked to fill which I did. It turned out that one of my opponents had been the England Golf Seniors Champion and was off scratch, he had also represented England in several senior matches. Sadly my partner was quite the worst golfer I've ever had the misfortune to play with and with the guy playing to scratch they gave us a bit of a paxo'ing I did out drive him a couple of times and won an odd hole or two with my (probably 9 or 10 ) shots.


Tour Rookie
Dec 29, 2006
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Got paired with a guy at a course in San Diego, me a 9 handicapper at the time, he turned out to be a (as it was then called) Nationwide Tour pro, so not sure what the shot difference would be. And he was a long hitter even by Nationwide Tour standards. Nice to see that sort of hitting up close.

Played with the then +4 club champ at Silloth, (so a 13 shot difference) as he smoothed it round on a not easy day in 64 gross.
Was that John Longcake or “The cake “ as he is known?

Deleted member 29109

Forgot to add the time I accidentally ended up playing with a practice round in Palm Springs with a Hooters Tour Player. I birdied the first hole with rental clubs. To his par. Then got absolutely destroyed on a 7k yard course. He couldn't have been nicer and easily could have bailed out of the round, but played 18 with me.

Said Hooters Tour player


Jul 11, 2009
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Back when I played regularly at a small club I got picked in our scratch team a couple of times to make up numbers even though I was playing off 13 at the time. Probably the best round of my life was against a 4 handicap where I played out of my skin and would’ve been about eight shots under my handicap and I still only won 2&1.