Hard to imagine this is what happens to a golf ball on impact.


Aug 5, 2011
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saw this via twitter this morning- quite unbelievable something so hard could react like this:eek:

How fast is it going?
Super slow motion cameras of a driver shot show the ball deforming a lot, but not this much, this has to be a lot faster than even a very high club head speed.
Thats been around for a while now, it's a demo to show what can happen. I believe its a purpose made ball though. A real one does compact but not to that degree.
that must be a commando ball or possible a penfold

the video says 175 mph, not sure who has a club head speed that high?

massive pressure involved here to bust this golf ball. I cant see anyone hitting a ball that hard to make it do that on impact without it failing!
The process tested in the video is not a realistic representation of a golf swing.

In the video a golf ball is fired at 175mph as a stationary steel plate, the steel plate hardly moves on impact.

In a golf swing a metal plate is swung into a stationary golf ball and the ball is accelerated away from it's position at over 100mph in most cases.

If this was a genuine ball (and it's a big IF) then a more realistic test would have been firing into a free standing plate - but then it wouldn't have been so visually impressive and gone viral on youtube and twitter!
Fabrication or not, it shows a golf ball hitting a stationary steel plate - which is definitely not what happens when you hit a golf ball with your driver!