Handicap question


Tour Rookie
Dec 29, 2006
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This is probably one for Duncan M but any help would be appreciated.

My handicap was 13.5 and yesterday I had a nett 69 Par 71 SSS 71 CSS 71.Thought I should have been reduced 0.6 but I am 13.0.

However I played earlier in the month at an 'Away' course but did not enter the score because it was reduction only. This may be my fault and the club could have sent the stats as I was not i the buffer zone.

Am I correct in thinking my handicap should now be 12.9?
you are correct to be concerned that 13.5 has gone to 13.0 in one competition - clever trick that can't be done :)

the obvious answer is to check with your HS, probably just worded as a simple question at first 'how can my handicap have been reduced 0.5 as a result of the last competition?' then take it from there.

btw I've also known comps be changed from RO when someone subsequently established that the wrong SSS was put into the system by mistake.....and if you weren't a home player you might not have got any notification (just an example).