Gypsy scammers


Assistant Pro
Aug 9, 2008
North West
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Five Gypsy caravans drove onto West Derby Golf club Liverpool today (Wednesday) demanding £200 per caravan under threat of staying there. They had previously done the same thing at Gathurst Golf Club Wigan who paid them £1,000 to leave.

All the local golf clubs have erected / emplyed various defences.

Such is the world we live in!!
Police wont do owt to them mate as the aggro involved is to much for them, they just wait for them to move on into another area and then they are another regions problem, it's far easier for them to sit at side of roads and dish fines out for things like a brake light not working or petty stuff like that. They are all right at dishing fines out and catching shoplifters and that sort of stuff but ask them to get their hands dirty forget it. I speak from experience in this as we had travellers/gypsies in the area and the mess that they made, break ins and damage went through the roof and the police did not want to know or get involved and eventually they moved on. Useless they are:sbox:
The was 2 threads on this already, I was under the impression that Gathurst didn't pay them. Maybe not??

At least they moved from Gathurst but not so good for West Derby
It was on the news last night they reported that Gathurst paid them a thousand pound to move on. They also reported that the police are now involved. We shall see
Disappointed they felt the need to pay them to leave their own land but I suppose the potential damage of them staying at their club and the disruption and loss of revenue forced them into that decision.

What sad times we live in when the bully has a free hand :angry:
Police wont do owt to them mate as the aggro involved is to much for them,

I am a (long since) retired police officer. I was on the ground, at the sharp end, in the 70's and early 80's and I can assure you that at that time these parasites would have been rounded up, everyone of them and thrown into a cell and they'd all stay in that cell until one or two of them stepped forward to take the wrap. And they'd go to court the next day and they'd plead guilty.

Unfortunately things have changed, in fact I think Police training schools now use the 70's as an example of how not to police - Human Rights and all that !
I am a (long since) retired police officer. I was on the ground, at the sharp end, in the 70's and early 80's and I can assure you that at that time these parasites would have been rounded up, everyone of them and thrown into a cell and they'd all stay in that cell until one or two of them stepped forward to take the wrap. And they'd go to court the next day and they'd plead guilty.

Unfortunately things have changed, in fact I think Police training schools now use the 70's as an example of how not to police - Human Rights and all that !

Maybe but I was not born until 1979 so cant comment what happened then. I am just speaking from experience which occured a few years ago. What gets me though is that the police can wade in at protest marches and demos such as the fuel strikes and the like but wont against the gypsies. If they wanted to get involved they could I am sure of it, they could arrest them on suspicion of intimidating behaviour, anything just to keep the pressure on them until they eventually sling their hook but it is just to much trouble for them. So I still stand by my original comments. I do agree though that times have changed and back in the 70's and 80's they may have sorted them out. Whilst not every gypsie is a parasite the vast majority are and cause nothing but trouble wherever they go.
Maybe but I was not born until 1979 so cant comment what happened then. I am just speaking from experience which occurred a few years ago. What gets me though is that the police can wade in at protest marches and demos such as the fuel strikes and the like but wont against the gypsies.

I agree with you, the Police service today is a disaster. The reasons for that is not the fault individual police officers it's the left wing liberal society we now live in that demands that they put the rights of the criminal before the rights of the victims. A prime example is Abu Qatada, in the 70's the police would have snatched him from his benefits paid for mansion, stuck him on plane and shrugged their shoulders when the complaints came in. . . . . . Bring back the birch, bring back hanging, bring back the good old days.
Yep it is definitely time for a rethink. The Qatada saga was crazy and is still going on. Sooner or later he will be given the boot but the amount of time and money spent doing it is horrific. I do agree that the police have got too many restraints on them which does hinder but I do think if they sat down and thought about it there is always a way round stuff Qatada being an exception but domestic issued like the gypsie situation can be resolved with a bit of thought, basically make their lives as arkward as possible and they will soon get fed up.
The attitudes of the above few comments seem to me to be sort of attitude that led to the Hillsborough episodes, both original disaster and disastrous cover-up! I'm more concerned about a creeping Police State than the occasional apparent under-sentencing. The courts are a place for justice, not revenge.

To me, it's the lawmakers that have to sort out a 'rapid removal' procedure for such cases. Having to deal with it under 'normal' trespass is cumbersome and time consuming.
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I am a (long since) retired police officer. I was on the ground, at the sharp end, in the 70's and early 80's and I can assure you that at that time these parasites would have been rounded up, everyone of them and thrown into a cell and they'd all stay in that cell until one or two of them stepped forward to take the wrap. And they'd go to court the next day and they'd plead guilty.

Unfortunately things have changed, in fact I think Police training schools now use the 70's as an example of how not to police - Human Rights and all that !

Bring back DCI Gene Hunt!