Got relative small hands and was told as a kid that was the best grip to go with. Never really changed but have tried range sessions where I have used the overlapping grip to see if it made any difference. My coach is fine with the interlocking grip so looks like it is there to stay now
Wouldn't know how to interlock or Vardon. Always been baseball, it just seemed natural. I think I might interlock when I putt, to unite the hands. It must be similar anyway.
Used to use interlocking but changed to overlap to try and make my hands less active. As i have very big hands the overlap is also more comfortable for me.
I also interlock and have big hands.
I started out with an overlap grip , learnt by following step by step pictures and instruction in a book, but i always felt that i gripped too tightly, changing to the interlock made me feel far more comfortable with a relaxed grip. Grip pressure is an issue for me as even with a soft grip i think i clench at some point in the swing,i put this down to the fact that being a carpenter it just doesn't come naturally to grip lightly . swinging a hammer all day i probably tighten my grip on the down swing and this automatically carries over to anything i swing.
Well, with a few exceptions it seems smaller hands = interlock. I'd love to reply Dave, but I just can't get my fingers into the right position to make an overlap. It's downright painful.
And anyway, the 2 best golfers (allegedly!!) Jack and Tiger both use it so who am I to argue.