Golf Lesson - What You Working On


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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As most will know I'm going back to a local pro at the range near my house who got me to 10 a few years back. However I've still got three lessons with the guy I was seeing (and was in the live lesson videos I posted). Decided to use these for short game only and leave the long swing to the guy so got a lesson on chipping tomorrow. He doesn't teach linear (or like it) so it'll be a conventional chipping lesson. Need to use the lessons up as they are prepaid.

Anyone else having lessons at the moment? What you working on and how's it going?


Journeyman Pro
Nov 24, 2013
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If you've lost trust in him and don't even fancy his short game methods, might it actually harm your game going to see him? I'd think of writing the lessons off and stick to the other pro.

Not having any at the moment, but could do with getting rid of the duck hooks. May have a look round. Also, could of done with a lesson on the range finder, all my shaky hands picked up were trees! Back to the trusty s1 I've tried to change so many times

El Diablo

Assistant Pro
Sep 18, 2016
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I have lessons every 6 to 8 weeks or so and an emergency one last week (due to state of play) - this turned into a pitching/chipping lesson after a brief bit of working on my immediate issue.

We went through multiple ways of controlling flight and distance as I busily sculled, thinned and fatted every method. Then we went for an extreme drill (apparently Tiger inspired from his quest to conquer US Open rough) which would be terribly risky on the course unless lush thick grass but got me hitting it.

From there the brain engaged and worked back through and was hitting them on command at targets and given some good practice drills to do using what is my natural method is and built on that.

My pro does not believe in one method, but works on making the most of what you have and then challenge your mind around that - can be open club face, closed, very low shaft, high upright shaft, neutral lean, forward lean, backward lean etc.

See what happens when you do these - higher, lower etc and quickly switch clubs PW/SW/GW/LW so you don't get in a rut of just hitting the same club at the same flag again and again - wants you to hit short, past, at targets etc.

Challenge the mind and the game - still not eradicated my demons but at least you learn something - is as ever a WIP.

He reckons my long game swing is better than my scoring and not keen to change much other than where errors creep in (slight lift of head in backswing due to not rotating enough crept in).

Not sure where this gets me - never asked if I get the scoring down will he work on other improvements or am I too old or a lost cause beyond this. Probably, the short game, putting and mental side are holding me back most.

Means I probably let the lessons go longer between each one these days and he never wants to push you to book the next one - give it a go for a month and see how it is going is his view.

Probably need the psychiatrist/sports psychologist first to sort the head out !!!
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Money List Winner
Sep 18, 2010
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[SUP][/SUP]giving me an actual golf swing and game back.

Didn't have on at the start of the year, I feel like I have my old swing back with improvements!

Only one round on an 18 hole course since last autumn and I shot in the 80s, can't be bad!


Sep 11, 2011
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Not had a lesson but been working on my short game for a few weeks. It occurred to me several weeks back that I was gripping way too hard on the short chips. There was little feeling to the stroke.


Club Champion
Mar 18, 2008
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I'm working on two things both interconnected, reducing the sway in my golf swing and in turn concentrating on clearing the left hip rather than it sliding forward getting ahead of the golf ball (by all accounts a very common fault in opening batsmen who's favourite shot was a cover drive)

When it works the contact and results are very good, while it is work in progress the odd duck hook or two creep in but consistency of strike is already much better. It also helps reduce the high hands cricket swing as well


Journeyman Pro
Mar 18, 2010
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Lessons every 4-6 weeks. Same as you martin. Lead wrist too cupped and over the top swing, more with driver than other clubs.


Challenge Tour Pro
May 7, 2014
Eastbourne East Sussex
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For next lessons - quality of strike, green side and high lipped bunkers and a bit of work for par 3s which is weakness for me - right distance I'm normally left or if on the flag, I'm short! I could spend hours with my pro - she is great! Very simply she breaks it downs - technical, cause and effect etc - then gives me one or two things to work on.


Money List Winner
Mar 4, 2012
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After having regular lessons for 3 years last winter I decided to lay off them and just concentrate on the basics I had been taught, I did have one lesson just before the season started to just get checked out, I still have one paid on for a mid season check up.

I hasn't done my game any harm I have buffered or been cut 7 times so far this season, If I can eliminate the 2 or 3 blow up holes I seem to have every round (82 yesterday with back to back triple bogeys), I ought to break 80 this season.


Head Pro
Sep 2, 2011
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Had one last night. Started a 7 lesson package with a different pro 6 weeks ago, last night was lesson 4. Did 25 mins on bunker technique as in my 5 years playing I've never had a lesson on this. Then played 3 holes. We have worked quite hard on my driver swing as it is what lets me down, at the range now I'm comfortable but on course its still a battle. My hands are way ahead of the club at impact & it seems to be causing a big push. All other aspects are working well. Getting on really well with the pro, find him easy to understand & he's very good with his follow up stuff too.


Tour Winner
Apr 1, 2007
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Flattening the left wrist and quiet hands, these are both connected. Then, from the top turning through and hitting the ball with the 'big muscles', not just the 'flick' at the bottom.

Deleted member 1147

Last couple of lessons were on putting and iron play.

Putting - the stroke was good when using the SAM putt lab, however it shows that I need to work on alignment (aim left for some reason)

Iron play - need to bring the club back down on the outside more, I've been getting it stuck behind me leading to blocks or pull/hooks.


Tour Winner
Nov 1, 2016
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Never had a lesson, thought strongly about it but I don't have the funds for it at the moment. I've been watching YouTube tips, particularly from the two fellers from 'Me & My Golf', which has been helpful but the downside is not being tailored to my own swing obviously. I'm mainly working on striking my longer irons and hybrid better at the moment. Trying to brush the ground/divot just slightly in front of the ball for better contact. Easier said than done for me though.


Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 4, 2009
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I've still got three lessons with the guy I was seeing (and was in the live lesson videos I posted). Decided to use these for short game only and leave the long swing to the guy so got a lesson on chipping tomorrow. He doesn't teach linear (or like it) so it'll be a conventional chipping lesson. Need to use the lessons up as they are prepaid.

Probably sticking my nose in where it isn't wanted, but if you've decided to stick with linear chipping this seems counter-productive.

How about putting, or maybe he'll exchange the 3 lessons for an on course lesson for course management etc?


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Probably sticking my nose in where it isn't wanted, but if you've decided to stick with linear chipping this seems counter-productive.

How about putting, or maybe he'll exchange the 3 lessons for an on course lesson for course management etc?

They are only a par 3 course so a playing lesson not an option as he's not keen to do lessons at other clubs as he feels it's infringing on the home club pro. I don't want to just bin the lessons (being tight). I'd dabbled with a conventional pitching technique over the winter so was hoping something might "click".