For ChrisD and LIG (if he's still around)...

I'll never forget Smiffys post march spoof Hitler video speech, dressing down his losing team.

Were you there for Smiffy’s trudge off the course on one of the wettest days I’ve ever played golf. Think we got to the 8th. Card shot to bit for all of us. Absolutely drowned, dripping wet. He’d made the right decision.

Loving the photos, and hadn’t realised how many forumites I’d played with down the years.
Were you there for Smiffy’s trudge off the course on one of the wettest days I’ve ever played golf. Think we got to the 8th. Card shot to bit for all of us. Absolutely drowned, dripping wet. He’d made the right decision.

Loving the photos, and hadn’t realised how many forumites I’d played with down the years.
Yes, I think that might have been Western Gales or Glasgow Gales, horizontal Rain lol'
Old farts some that I can recall, from L/R Rosecott, williamalex1, ChrisD, ????, LIG, Smiffy, Lefty, Fish

Blue in Munich to the right of Chrisd, behind LIG. 2Blue to the right of Smiffy. I think it might be Crow(Nick) behind and left of Fish.

Think I can name about 5 of the Whippersnappers. Definitely got James, Region 3, Paperboy, Kraxx & Khamelion.