Film of the great Ben Hogan.

Looks like an 'Old mannies' swing - very flat? That quip will no doubt upset some of you? I'd swap it for my swing in a second mind you.
Great weight shift though and extremely repeatable which is key. Tremendous speed for such a small man too. Good link Tomo.
Would he beat Tiger? - think Tiger would have overpowered him on todays long courses, over the short ones - who knows!
I think Tiger would obviously out drive him though I think the gap wouldnt be as big as some think, Bens swing was scalable, in otherwords, he could shorten or lengthen the same swing and I believe he was a believer in the 75% power rule.
I'm sure Hogan would have more than held his own today from tee to green. What interest me is whether his shaky putting would have been helped or hindered by todays course set-up. I'd like to think he would have found putting on truer greens to his liking resulting in dominance rather than being terrified of the speed of them.

birdieman, that isn't a flat swing. It's a single plane swing ;-)
Tommy Bolt, a contemporary of Hogan’s was asked once to decide between Nicklaus and Hogan. After a short lull he stated, "Well now, I’ve seen Big Jack watch Ben Hogan practice on many occasions but I’ve never seen Hogan watch Nicklaus. Does that answer your question?"

Just thought I would bring this to the top again.....I think it's a great film. Near the begining, when he first hits the wooden club, just look where his caddie is standing.
Nicklaus once responded to the question, "Is Tiger Woods the best ball striker you have ever seen?" with, "No, no - Ben Hogan, easily"

Says it all really.

I think Hogan is the only player to have won every Major that he competed in in a calender year(3)in 1953 and the only reason he didn't play in the USPGA was because it overlapped the Open at the time.

If I could go back in time to see a great player of the past play, my choice would be Hogan every time. Closely followed by Bobby Jones.