anybody out there that knows what an ecletic handicap is may be able to help me.
If you were going to review somebody's handicap, could you do an ecletic to argue your case for redutions or increases.
I believe you cannot use ecletic for any reason when reviewing a handicap.
Why ?? well ecletic is the best score you made on each hole over a period of maybe 20 30 rounds of golf, what your fantasy round of golf would look like.
these stats are available with any congu software
what do you out there think
also we have a handicap sec that does the double bogey gross for new members and when thats worked out over the 3 cards they submitted "also adds two more shots for the course" is this correct ????
If you were going to review somebody's handicap, could you do an ecletic to argue your case for redutions or increases.
I believe you cannot use ecletic for any reason when reviewing a handicap.
Why ?? well ecletic is the best score you made on each hole over a period of maybe 20 30 rounds of golf, what your fantasy round of golf would look like.
these stats are available with any congu software
what do you out there think
also we have a handicap sec that does the double bogey gross for new members and when thats worked out over the 3 cards they submitted "also adds two more shots for the course" is this correct ????