Driver Shaft Specs (Again)


Ryder Cup Winner
Jun 20, 2010
Croydon, Surrey
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My last driver was the 09 burner fitted with the stock re-ax S, i seemed to get on really well with this driver and found that swinging easy would still produce more than enough length off the tee. I must be honest i say i got took by all the advertising and went for the r11, which is fitted with the stock blue stiff shaft. On good swinging days im finiding the blur shaft/r11 is almost 30 yards longer than my burner, but it seems very unforgiving.

Now im putting this down to 2 things.

Its either the 460cc head being more forgiving against the 440cc r11 head.


the shaft in the r11 is alot stiffer than the burner shaft and im not getting the most from the shaft.

Although both clubs are fitted with what is their off the peg stock stiff shaft, im interested to see how they compare against each other. IE is the blur stiff stiffer than the re-ax stiff.

Shaft Specs as below:

Burner Shaft, Re-ax 49 Stiff mid-Tip

R11 Shaft, Fujikura Blur 60 (59g) Torque 3.5

Thanks in advance guys.


Money List Winner
May 26, 2010
Gloucester, UK
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I have no idea what the issue is, but I share your pain.

My slice is still apparent in some swings with my R11, but I'm fairly confident this is down to my inconsistent swing.

It's great on the straight shots though. Even mis-hits get out to around the 220-230 yard mark. If I cream one, there's no telling how far it will go.

I hit a beaut yesterday. Dog-leg left 8th hole. Nice gentle draw, around the dog-leg, ended up less than 60 yards from the hole 300+ yard drive* thankyouverymuch.

(*downwind, downhill on fairly firm fairways :()


Ryder Cup Winner
Jun 20, 2010
Croydon, Surrey
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Im sure the issue is me also, it just seems im almost scared of hitting it, in turn im not turning through the ball. Yet give me my 3w and i hit nice easy sweet shots.

Without any doubt the r11 is no way as forgiving as the burner, but in turn on a good day my drives are easy 30 yards longer. Yesturday after the 6th hole i used a 3wood for the rest of the round because i just lost faith with it. Yet around 2 weeks ago we had a inter club greensomes match, from 13 drive we took ten of mine using the same club.


Money List Winner
May 26, 2010
Gloucester, UK
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Yea. I've got mine sorted now, the slice only comes back when I swing lazily.

No amount of closed face will eliminate it. But my driving is much better than it was!


Ryder Cup Winner
Jun 20, 2010
Croydon, Surrey
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Changing tac slightly.

Have either of had a play with the customizable options with the R11 to try and help?

Yup, im porne to playing with a slightly stronger grip, so i changed teh weights around so the heavy one was in the toe instead of the heel (stock) which helped, and i also opened the loft on the shaft setting by 0.5* making it 9.5* instead of 9* stock. Whiles these have helped produce consistent results, neither of the settings will help lack of commitment which is where i think my issues stem from.