Driver + 3 wood shaft?


Jan 17, 2012
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I've just changed over my driver and 3 wood 2 titliest 909 D3 909 F3. My previous was a nicklaus dual point stiff shaft, john Daley 3 wood. I was carrying the driver 220-230, and the 3 wood 200+. But now I can hardly get my 3 wood to 170-180, and the driver very lucky to reach 200! The shafts in the new ones r graffaloy lite stiff shafts, please any helpful advice? My swing speed to just over 100.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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I've just changed over my driver and 3 wood 2 titliest 909 D3 909 F3. My previous was a nicklaus dual point stiff shaft, john Daley 3 wood. I was carrying the driver 220-230, and the 3 wood 200+. But now I can hardly get my 3 wood to 170-180, and the driver very lucky to reach 200! The shafts in the new ones r graffaloy lite stiff shafts, please any helpful advice? My swing speed to just over 100.

Hard to say not knowing the flight traj. of 'before' & 'after' the change.

If 'after' they are also shorter & going lower & maybe staying a bit right, the club head speed may be down, and maybe because you're not getting the strike from the sweet spot. Single most important issue with strike is a centered hit.

Could be your timing is now a ways off, if there is a big difference is the shaft weight between what you were used too and what you have now.

Have to go and get your swing/set-up checked over by a PGA pro really.

After the horse has bolted maybes but you really got to try clubs on a launch monitor and really check what's actually happening as to how clubs/shafts perform, no other way.
Both feel and vision alone can often give a false impression of performance even if you're on a range as most often that way you don't really know the true carry as often very difficult to see and estimate accurately where shots are truly landing and everyone usually estimates over positively by some.