Drinking in Front of the Children


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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And so I read that nearly 50% of 10 to 14yr olds have seen their parents drunk :eek:

But hmmm - this means that more than more than 50% or parents say they have NEVER been drunk in front of their 10 to 14 yr old children. Is this one of the 'forum distance' aspects of real life?

I can say for a fact that I do not know any parent or parents in our wide social group who could say that they have NEVER been drunk in front of their 10 to 14 yr old children.

Lies and denial methinks - or maybe I just live in a very debauched part of the UK :)

Not good for us either way.
Depends on your definition of being drunk. There's having a few beers watching the football. A few out for a meal both of which meaning youre too drunk to drive. Then there's all out staggering all over the place blind drunk. the latter would be unacceptable. the former I'd say are perfectly fine in front of children.

Just my view of course.
my kids are hopefully in bed when i get in "drunk" the oldest is 6 though.. they have however, seen me with a stinking hangover!

EDIT: Cant believe T watted came up on the swear filter?!
Depends on your definition of being drunk. There's having a few beers watching the football. A few out for a meal both of which meaning youre too drunk to drive. Then there's all out staggering all over the place blind drunk. the latter would be unacceptable. the former I'd say are perfectly fine in front of children.

Just my view of course.

Indeed - so would you say you were a bit drunk if you had been to the pub to watch football and had had 4 pts and were a rather merry and maybe slurring a bit.

I am still not so sure that >50% have never been inebriated in front of their children - and I'm not talking incapable or blind drunk and staggering all over the place. I can remember my dad coming home from working a Saturday morning at lunchtime - and it being obvious he'd had a couple of beer and whiskies with his work colleagues after they had finished before he got home. Was he 'drunk' - depends on you definition. Did I know he'd been drinking and it affected his general demeanour - yes. And so can we say we have never been in an altered state of mind and body due to drink in front of our children? I'm questioning the 50% who say they haven't - ever.
My kids have never seen me drunk. They have seen me after a few drinks though.. The way I see it, they are more than likely going to drink when they're older, I'd rather they see me drinking responsibly than not at all.. Different story when they're in bed though..;)
My kids have never seen me drunk as they cant handle their drink very well yet, therefore by the time I am drunk they have generally already passed out themselves from drinking too much! :cheers:
Can honestly say I haven't been drunk for 15 years so The Boy hasn't seen it.....It just takes too long to get over it now that it's not worth it.
Theyve seen me have a few beers all the time, usually at footy or out for a meal/gig, that kind of thing.
Only been really drunk in front of them once, at my best mates wedding when I went a bit mad on the red. Managed to refrain from any embarrassing 'dad dancing' though...;)
My kids have never seen me drunk. They have seen me after a few drinks though.. The way I see it, they are more than likely going to drink when they're older, I'd rather they see me drinking responsibly than not at all.. Different story when they're in bed though..;)

Are your children over 10 yrs old? - this is probably important to the findings as 10 yr olds will still be up when some of us will be having or have had a bevvy or two. Under 10s, toddlers etc won't.
Theyve seen me have a few beers all the time, usually at footy or out for a meal/gig, that kind of thing.
Only been really drunk in front of them once, at my best mates wedding when I went a bit mad on the red. Managed to refrain from any embarrassing 'dad dancing' though...;)

Well I'm afraid that wedding incident disqualifies you from the NEVER been drunk in front of the children :)
I'm not a big drinker at all, but yes, my wee lass has seen me drunk a couple of times. In saying that, if I have 2 beers and laugh at something, she tells me I'm drunk anyway!

She doesn't appreciate how good a dancer I am when I'm drunk right enough. I'm sure when she's old enough to drink the penny will drop though ;-)
Also not much of a drinker so they would never have seen me worse for wear. Have I seen my son drunk though? Oh yes, just the once and he has never lived it down!
As parent the drinking reduces, because they can get you up in the night or will generally get you up early. I used to have a few but only when there was no work pressure or I did not have the wife with me ( sober people ruin the morning after). I have only had 2 hang overs in my life, one after someone was spiking my pints and the other after 1998 Suzuka race when Hakkinen won the title. I seem to remember there is a point which you either stop or just know that from there it will be so messy ... I am thinking I won't be drunk in front of my boy in the future ... He will learn to drink the way I was taught.
Probably about to make myself the forum pariah but I have been drunk in front of my kids, not throwing my lungs up drunk, but drunk enough to know I was. I have also let the kids have a small drink on special occasions. We want to show them how to drink responsibly and moderation in better than binging. All of my kids are over 10 now and our eldest is coming up 16. She does drink from time to time and has been very sensible about it.
Probably about to make myself the forum pariah but I have been drunk in front of my kids, not throwing my lungs up drunk, but drunk enough to know I was. I have also let the kids have a small drink on special occasions. We want to show them how to drink responsibly and moderation in better than binging. All of my kids are over 10 now and our eldest is coming up 16. She does drink from time to time and has been very sensible about it.

I don't think it makes you a pariah at all. A lot of self-righteous guff can be spouted over drinking in front of the children. Once or twice is not in my view totally irresponsible - even occasionally. Doing it regularly is another matter and you are treadling on thin ice. But for more than 50% of parents to claim they have NEVER been drunk in front of their children - as if it is a badge of honour - rather stretches my belief - a bit like drive-6i 500yds (sorry daveyboy - kidding :))

So - hey - you've been drunk in front of your 10-14yr old child - just admit it - don't pretend you are something you are not.
My dad was frequently drunk in his later years but I can't remember him ever being pie eyed in front of me as a kid. Fortunately I rarely drink these days and so when we adopt next year (hopefully) I won't be a bad influence and he won't see me drunk. As the wife is almost totally tee total I'd love to see her drunk