Does anybody else tee the ball up on the toe of their irons?


Grand Slam Winner
Oct 17, 2008
Gods waiting room.....
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When I hit my woods, I set up with them right behind the ball...and usually (usually) clatter them well.
But my irons?
Whenever I address the ball with my irons I have the ball right on the toe of the club, sometimes even half an inch outside it yet still manage to hit the ball out of the sweetspot (checking the markings on my old clubs that's where the majority of the wear is, with very little marking off the toe).
Friends have commented on this over the years, and if I play with a somebody new, they will usually comment on it sometime during the round. But for all intents and purposes it doesn't seem to affect my ball striking.
Does anybody else do this or am I fairly unique (or stupid)?


Grand Slam Winner
Mar 9, 2007
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Why make it more difficult than it needs too be, unless you have bit of a hozel issue?

It makes sense to line a driver up off the toe, if you don't hovver, as once you raise the club, it will center if you originally lined up on the toe. For irons this makes no sense.

Maybe I will see the light at Old Thorns, and be converted.


Tour Winner
Sep 2, 2008
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From my observations over the years many golfers set up with woods in a toe line up and irons in direct line.I often get comments about how I set up as I am different.
I dont get my club right up to the ball but 1 or 2 inches back, I tend to slide the club away and back when grounded through habbit but it gives me the extention visulisation and gets tention out of my arms. With irons I line up in a similar way though not as extreme. All of this I do pretty swiftly and take less time than many people to take my shots.( maybe why they are crap sometimes lol)So if it works for you I wouldnt worry. there are lots of ways to achieve a great strike of a ball, its about head speed and position of the head when it strikes the ball. There are many techniques to achieve this but also many a wierd and wonderful way that pros wouldnt favour also achieve it. (not suggesting you are must strike well and be fairly consistant to have 11 h/c so why worry? I used to play with a chap years ago who set up toe side with driver head in a pos where most of us would swing right passed the ball and still have spare room, and his iron shots were set up with him in EXTREME fade stance with club head above the ball then hit a draw perfectly. He played off h/c of 4.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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I use to play with a guy (ironically one of the challengers from the GM v Wimbledon Common feature a few months back) who use to hood every club from driver to wedge. He had played shed loads of cricket and had a cover drive for a swing but by hooding the face it would always come back square. It had to be ssen to be believed but he was a mean golfer and off single figures


Journeyman Pro
May 13, 2008
i hover my driver and play it off the toe but my body aims to the right for a draw so tend to hit the centre of the face my bad shots always come off the heel(right arm not bent at impact)but i set up my irons in the centre of the face