Diamana-whiteboard-73s-vs-Matrix-altus 7Q-3 red tie


Head Pro
Jan 6, 2013
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As above I have genuine whiteboard 73s tipped 1.25 in my 3 and 5 woods and find them to be superb.

I fancy giving an Adams XTD TI 15*(turning it up to 16.5 to use as a 4 wood) a try as I can pick one up so cheaply. I just wondered what would be best suited in the MATRIX ALTUS 7Q-3 RED TIE a stiff or an X when compared to the whiteboard? I cannot try one before I buy which is the problem.


Challenge Tour Pro
Jul 25, 2010
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Hard to compare these 2 shafts - they are quite different - with the whiteboard being low/low and the red tie mid/mid (spin/flight). Given that you have tipped the whiteboard a fair bit more than standard it would seem to me that even that is playing more stout than a stiff flex. I personally would not consider this shaft if I enjoyed a tipped whiteboard. It seems that the black tie profile is closer in characteristics.

That being said some people do report the Altus red tie as playing stouter than it should and also launching lower than its stated mid/mid profile. Others of course don't. Sorry can't be more specific. I have played the white board and black tie (very similar) but not the red tie as it is too different of a profile for me.

There are a lot of reviews online and you should compare the detailed specs/profile of both online (readily available)