critique please


Money List Winner
Jan 30, 2012
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Gents, i dont know why i do it to my self, but as i got the app free, i love to film myself (ooh er!) DarthVega mentioned about the U settings on the R1, so thought would have a play this morning,

Anyway, do your worst! i have finally found my draw, changed the settings on my driver with the assistance of google, darthvega and my pro. now my set up is, 55g X-Stiff Aldila shaft, 9.5* upright, 3* closed face and weights in heel. getting a really nice draw now and good distance. quite happy! But i know my technique can always improve, so do your worst!




Money List Winner
Jan 30, 2012
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the still pic doesnt come up very big, try this:



Head Pro
Mar 6, 2013
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Im probably not qualified but since you asked ;) Your left heel raises which many of the greats did but not so much any more. Personally I think your left arm goes too far above your shoulder plane, which may rear its head as a slice if you don't make a move to drop it back on plane. You could hold your wrist angle a bit longer as it looks like your casting but its hard to tell without proper slow mo.

From an amateur point of view though its pretty darn good.


Nov 16, 2011
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You seem quite disconnected (arms are away from chest) even for what appears to be more a 2PS action than a 1PS one.

Don't mind the left heel lifting on the back-swing, but the right heel seems to lift at the beginning of the down-swing - a power loser/waster. Some Early Extension/Casting going on as and you seem to be leaning back at, or very after, impact.

Oh, and a bit stiff/tense at address too,

It would seem that the tweaks are overcoming what looks like a fade oriented swing - which is pretty good. Maybe swing can be bought - at least to and extent! How do the irons go?


Money List Winner
Jan 30, 2012
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You seem quite disconnected (arms are away from chest) even for what appears to be more a 2PS action than a 1PS one.

Don't mind the left heel lifting on the back-swing, but the right heel seems to lift at the beginning of the down-swing - a power loser/waster. Some Early Extension/Casting going on as and you seem to be leaning back at, or very after, impact.

Oh, and a bit stiff/tense at address too,

It would seem that the tweaks are overcoming what looks like a fade oriented swing - which is pretty good. Maybe swing can be bought - at least to and extent! How do the irons go?

I agree on the tense at address, my pro is banging on at me to relax my lower arms, allow a little elbow hinge etc. i am working on that.

Right heel lifting, is that too early or shouldnt happen until impact? in all honesty hadnt noticed doing it, i have been working on my weight distribution with more on heels now than before, which in turn has made me feel i am a bit "squatted" at address, but my pro likes it... and it works!

Well the swing is being bought with lessons, the new shineys obviously help too! the irons are going very well indeed, easily the strongest part of my game right now right from 4 to PW. the fade is gone and is very much a draw now with irons, draw with the driver is coming, the video above was at the end of a 90 ball driver session, with 80% doing what i wanted (ie starting right and coming back)

thanks for the comments, any tips welcomed


Nov 16, 2011
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I agree on the tense at address, my pro is banging on at me to relax my lower arms, allow a little elbow hinge etc. i am working on that.

Right heel lifting, is that too early or shouldnt happen until impact? in all honesty hadnt noticed doing it, i have been working on my weight distribution with more on heels now than before, which in turn has made me feel i am a bit "squatted" at address, but my pro likes it... and it works!

Well the swing is being bought with lessons, the new shineys obviously help too! the irons are going very well indeed, easily the strongest part of my game right now right from 4 to PW. the fade is gone and is very much a draw now with irons, draw with the driver is coming, the video above was at the end of a 90 ball driver session, with 80% doing what i wanted (ie starting right and coming back)

thanks for the comments, any tips welcomed

Your Pro is really the guy to see, but fwiw...

It's not just your arms that look stiff - it's everything from your pelvis up. That said, stiff upper arms actually have a knock-on effect all the way down your back, so relaxing them should make everything less tense. Perhaps try rolling your shoulders a few times and see whether that helps?

Right heel should lift either as a result of the turn of the hips and/or weight transfer/kick of the right leg/knee. It's a bit individual dependent as to what is the driver imo. It should happen before/just before/at impact but certainly not in the initial part of the down-swing like yours does. It (eventually) shouldn't be something that needs to be thought about, but you may have to watch out for it as a trait of your 'natural swing tendency'. Swinging half, 3/4 and full swings with your feet together could well help. It certainly indicates balance issues very quickly!

Good Luck

Mark mizuno

Medal Winner
Feb 24, 2013
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Although I'm battling my own demons at the minute I would still like to put my pence worth in.
I looks good to me and to put it on the forum for ppl like me to look at is great. I would be a bit concerned that you take some tips from here when you are working with a golf pro.


Money List Winner
Jan 30, 2012
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Hi Mark, you are right, but the more time you spend here you learn whom to listen to and whom not too to a degree. You are right though, my pro is the one to make changes, but points highlighted by foxholer will be pointed out to my pro this week.

Foxholer, will try and relax it all a bit, you are right though and i know i am too tense, too eager to rip it! LOL pro had me working on the right foot last week actually, i had to stand on a ball (right big toe) and keep it there, just to highlight what i was doing.. didnt appreciate until you pointed it though how early my right heel was lifting. that could be 17 yards i am losing right there! ;)

Mark mizuno

Medal Winner
Feb 24, 2013
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Very good point rooter. As I don't know what type if person you are. I didn't want you to change your swing and then go to the pro who won't recognise the swing he has been trying to create for you. Then you will need more lessons with more money.
I wasn't disrespecting anyone who was giving you advice as I also post on here for hints and tips. So I hope I didn't offend anyone. As it wasn't a negative critique.


Money List Winner
Jan 30, 2012
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LOL don't worry Mark! you made a good point! you will find here, loads of people will offer advice, not many are qualified to do so. however, that doesn't mean their opinion is necessarily wrong though! take everything with a small pinch of salt etc. However, foxholer has commented on my swings before and his views are pretty bang on, so if he points something out to me, i will listen at least! whether i actually change something is different though!

Get yourself videoed and get it up! people normally play quite nicely!!


Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 4, 2009
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I can't see the video at the moment, but from the picture sequence I'd say it would be an improvement if you swopped the club positions in the upswing and downswing around, which might also help with the early extension.

My highly unqualified tuppence :)


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
I can't see the video at the moment, but from the picture sequence I'd say it would be an improvement if you swopped the club positions in the upswing and downswing around, which might also help with the early extension.

My highly unqualified tuppence :)

I would agree.

Also there doesn't look to be much width there with your right elbow bending to 90 degrees quite early (by pic2 it looks quite bent rather than taking the club out a little more 'towards the camera') and making the backswing plane a little flat.

Also I think you swing too far.... but that's just an observation based on your right arm.... for me there's a position that you pass thru on your backswing that looks much better....


this position looks (to me) like you're about to murder it! and I don't see the need for you to swing much beyond this, bar setting the club a few more degrees (although your right elbow is a little crowded).
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Challenge Tour Pro
Jul 6, 2011
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OK I have a couple of comments firstly well done you for posting your own swing for millions to view!! Braver man than me but it is a decent swing :) Ive been told I give decent advice although far fro qualified to do so..... but as yu asked...I wish I could listen to myself but do like to think I have an ounce of tech understanding....!!!

I think you need to relax those shoulders and in fact the whole core of the body more. This will help you turn the shoulders more and in crease club head speed. At the moment you seem to really forcing it rather than moving rhythmically.

Try and get a more athletic stance/posture. Get up on the balls of your feet straighten your back by pushing your arse out more. It may feel like your going to fall forward but it will help you keep over the ball and increase on control and balance.

Id try and keep those arms a little more quiet and try and keep the whole of your top part of your body connected. Arms and shoulders working in conjunction with your sternum. You can do this by retaining a v with you arms and shoulders for as long as possible. Concentrate on turning your shoulders more and the arms will come with them not the other way round. I actually try and fight a fade or push by turning my elbows in more on address and then keeping it nice and wide on the back swing left shoulder under the chin.

Lots of good things going on there though :thup:
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Money List Winner
Jan 30, 2012
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Thanks Mike, if you ever fancy a game let me know, you play at don grove dont you? i live by Newbury and Crookham.. anyway, my pro wants to do some more work on my longer clubs, well i say that, its pretty much just the driver giving me these problems of a fade/slice and i think one of the main reasons is what JO put, its a psychological thing, driver in hand/head says hot it as hard as you can. i need to stop this, its wrecking my cards. But i will spend some more time on the range and just relax and hit at 50% and work up, you are right again though and am working on increased shoulder turn and less hands/arms.

The one thing i want to discuss though, is you mention get on the balls of your feet more, i used to do this, but only last few weeks, my pro wants more weight on the heels with the pretty much the squat posture i have above. and in doing this, my iron play and hybrids have never been better!


Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 4, 2009
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I could be wrong, but when JO said it looks like you're about to murder the ball I think he meant 'at that position' meaning no need to go any further back than that. I don't think it was meant as 'you're trying to hit it too hard'.

Apologies to James if I'm wrong.


Challenge Tour Pro
Jul 6, 2011
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Thanks Mike, if you ever fancy a game let me know, you play at don grove dont you? i live by Newbury and Crookham.. anyway, my pro wants to do some more work on my longer clubs, well i say that, its pretty much just the driver giving me these problems of a fade/slice and i think one of the main reasons is what JO put, its a psychological thing, driver in hand/head says hot it as hard as you can. i need to stop this, its wrecking my cards. But i will spend some more time on the range and just relax and hit at 50% and work up, you are right again though and am working on increased shoulder turn and less hands/arms.

The one thing i want to discuss though, is you mention get on the balls of your feet more, i used to do this, but only last few weeks, my pro wants more weight on the heels with the pretty much the squat posture i have above. and in doing this, my iron play and hybrids have never been better!

Yes mate I do. I played last night and the course is superb condition with the greens nearly where they should be so go have a knock there if you get chance I totally recommend it.:thup: I can see that the range there looks like the one at the racecourse? Are you using one of the pro's there as a coach? I used to have lessons with Nick Mitchell years ago who is superb but I know they have sold the racecourse to Crookham and hes moved on. I think hes joined us now......

Equally Matt Woods up at our place is got to be the best in the area for lessons but slightly pricey... ex touring pro and part of the Johnathon Yarwood acedemy.

If your pro is teaching you something then listen to him not me!! :) Everyone will be different.