Christmas feelgood stories.. Let's hear them.


Please don’t ask to see my tatts 👍
Dec 12, 2013
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Right then seeing as tomorrow is officially the eve of Christmas Eve. It officially Christmas. So let's hear your feelgood stories for Christmas.

Rules. No trolling. NO NEGATIVITY. Boys and girls on this blog.

We are feeling the love for one blog only.

Me first.:clap:

Many years ago when I only had the two kids. Eldest, she
was about 8. Youngest, he was about six going on 16. Anyway it's Christmas Eve and we have done the carrots around the fireplace, mince pies and Glayva :whistle: for Santa etc etc. The kids are excitedish bar the young un coz a kid at skools told him Santa is not real. Anyway we have eventually got them in bed and it's time for Santa to deliver the pressies. However Tash had an idea to shake his Bier Keller hat with a dozen bells on it which had been in the airing cupboard for years. I sprinted down stairs. About 10 seconds later young lad tash is behind me and shouts " Santas on the roof". I told him not to be stupid, "Santa's not delivering owt yet coz mum and dads still up and we will see him". " am telling you he's here now, ave just heard his bells". He was convinced Santa was on the roof of 7 Kirkligton rd, as was the eldest.
We eventually got them to bed and Missis T for whatever reason was in a flood of tears coz her babies still believed in Santa.
It was a memory that cost nowt but we recall the same story every year. Not recalled it yet with Missis T but I will do as soon as I post as young 6 yr old is now in Australia.
I reminded Young Tash of that story when he was about 18, he called me a two hat.

Over to you.


Money List Winner
Apr 28, 2013
Gateshead, Tyne & Wear
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Quality Tashy me lad:D
A few years ago the missus went over to New Jersey with her parents to visit some old friends just before Christmas, I don't remember being officially invited but I wasn't bothered anyway ;)
If anyone remembers it was the year when most of the UK airports were closed and they ended up receiving long haul flights only, all internal and "European" flights were cancelled if I remember correctly.
The missus had a flight booked from Heathrow to Newcastle on her return leg, this was obviously cancelled and it was touch and go whether her flight from the USA would go ahead. It was green light with the flight but I had to pick her up from Heathrow, so started an epic journey daaarn saarf. I set off really early and it went great going down the A1, I was having a decent run until I got around Huntingdon way, for some strange reason I decided to cut across (not exactly sure where but I won't do it again lol) and pick up the M1, bad idea! I don't know how I managed it but after a minor miracle which involved "skating on ice with a car" I appeared on the M1 somewhere near Luton. Dazed, confused and panicking like soddery as I was tad late by now but the rest of the journey went without a hitch.
Parked up at Heathrow and got into Arrivals just as the wife walked in from collecting her bags, proper spooky stuff. The drive home was a doddle and we got home in time for turkey and presents.
Not exactly a Christmas tale but it has a Christmas feel a bit like Die Hard :D


Sep 11, 2011
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Probably about 12 years ago, visiting friends on a present run. I rang and rang and rang the front door bell. When my mate opened the door I ran in shouting open the back curtains, open the back curtains. The kids ran through and opened the curtains to see red flashing lights. It was a plane on finals into Manchester but it had the desired effect.

I then said switch the computer on quick, lets see if the American airforce have picked him up on radar. We logged onto the NORAD site, and sure enough they were up and running, tracking Santa on his epic journey around the world.

The look of amazement and awe, bright eyed was what Christmas is all about. Innocent children enjoying that special time.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 3, 2013
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Quite a few stories I guess but to bring it right up to date....
Last night I arrive home about 11pm. Outside my door is a parcel wrapped in Christmas paper. I look around for any clue as to who may have left it and I notice every door has a similar parcel on the doorstep. Once inside I open it to find one of those canvas bottle bags containing a bottle of designer Gin and several bottles of tonic all with different infusions.
At the bottom of the bag there is a card from a new neighbour I hardly know wishing me a Merry Christmas. It even had my name on the card even though I didn't know his.
Throughout our village over the past couple of weeks all kind of random acts of kindness have been occurring. The local Churches Together have been making little angels complete with messages like "Never Give Up" and "Keep Believing" and leaving them everywhere for people to find and keep. Just this morning I have heard that small knitted Christmas stockings are being found with sweets inside for the kids with a message "I hope you receive all you wish for".


Money List Winner
Oct 26, 2011
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Quite a few stories I guess but to bring it right up to date....
Last night I arrive home about 11pm. Outside my door is a parcel wrapped in Christmas paper. I look around for any clue as to who may have left it and I notice every door has a similar parcel on the doorstep. Once inside I open it to find one of those canvas bottle bags containing a bottle of designer Gin and several bottles of tonic all with different infusions.
At the bottom of the bag there is a card from a new neighbour I hardly know wishing me a Merry Christmas. It even had my name on the card even though I didn't know his.
Throughout our village over the past couple of weeks all kind of random acts of kindness have been occurring. The local Churches Together have been making little angels complete with messages like "Never Give Up" and "Keep Believing" and leaving them everywhere for people to find and keep. Just this morning I have heard that small knitted Christmas stockings are being found with sweets inside for the kids with a message "I hope you receive all you wish for".

That really is amazing...restores some faith in human kind :)


Head Pro
Mar 3, 2016
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Just heard a good one from my daughter.
I've just dropped her off after spending a great day with her and my son in town doing the usual last minute shop. When she got home there was a delivery card and a 'must be signed for' parcel in her porch.
The postie had written her a note saying that he hoped she didn't mind, but he had 'signed' for the card just in case it was a present from someone.
Very thoughful, bought a smile to face

Blue in Munich

Crocked Professional Yeti Impersonator
Jan 12, 2013
Worcester Park
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Just heard a good one from my daughter.
I've just dropped her off after spending a great day with her and my son in town doing the usual last minute shop. When she got home there was a delivery card and a 'must be signed for' parcel in her porch.
The postie had written her a note saying that he hoped she didn't mind, but he had 'signed' for the card just in case it was a present from someone.
Very thoughful, bought a smile to face

We're fortunate to have a postie that does that 52 weeks a year; thanks Pete. :thup: