Check your top position, after work.


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Mar 4, 2020
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How often do we see pros bounce to the top, then look up to check alignment? Well you can do this at night without risking the living room ceiling lights. Put your back to a security light which is 8-10 feet over a patio, and stand 8-10 feet out from the wall. Best if patio is grouted parallel to the wall behind, and your swing line. Swing to the top, and check the club shadow on the patio. Magic. Beware of too much use; once the club is parallel to the target line, think hard what that feels like, and how you got there, then repeat over and over without the light. You will also get a good read on head stability, correct shoulder turn etc.
This is based on my long held belief that the single most valuable view of the golf swing is Plan view,not any of the elevation views.