Best ear/headphones for the driving range.


Jul 11, 2009
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As winter approaches it means more time off the course and more on the range. I've always liked listening to music while I practice but the standard earphones with my iPod aren't the most secure... can anyone recommend some inexpensive replacements that will work well with a golf swing?
Plenty of good 'sport' models that have plastic clips around the ears to hold them securely, probably your best bet. I've got a pair of Sennheiser CX300's which from memory cost about £35, very good sound quality. If there is a sport version they will probably be what you are looking for :thup:
Reccomend sport ones as I wear them when running. Should get decent set around 30 mark. I often think about wearing them to range as fed up getting advice from so many "range pro's" who never seem to hit a ball.
tried it once but I like to hear the satisfying sound of a well struck shot.....

P.S I've never had a range pro say anything to me.........ever......maybe they just think "I cant fix that"