Be carefull what you wish for.


Ryder Cup Winner
Jun 20, 2010
Croydon, Surrey
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Over the last 6 months my golf has improved at a rate im quite chuffed with, HC come down quite nicely and im now sitting just above 12, but ive had a few issues of late with ballooned ball flight and some funky shot shapes. Ok we know that these can and often are caused by a swing that was intended for splitting logs and not hitting the little white ball, but after reading many a post about shaft specs kick points and spin rates it planted the seed of doubt regarding how suited to my game my current bag is.

So... some know i was lucky enough to be picked for the AG fitting comp at New Malden, but more importantly this was my first time ever that id gone for a fitting as such. Normally i would go to the local range, pick a couple of drivers i liked the look of and hit them against my current club. If it was an improvement then i would buy it, if not then i wouldnt..... it was a simple theory that was working. Anyway after the recent fitting, even though the shaft spec and loft were the same as my at the time current driver (9.5*/Stiff), it amazed me how much could be gained but getting the correct head/shaft combo. Now the high flight while more apparent on the woods has been spreading to the irons and popping it head up more and more frequently, so today as i had bugger all better today it was off to the local AG for a go on the Mizzy DNA shaft thingy if nothing more than to rule out the issue that is now on the irons.l

Im currently using off the peg burners in stock reg shaft combo and while the iron can delivery some half decent scores, im always feeling that im having to hold back in an effort to get a clean strike and consistent shape. After hitting 15-20 shots with my 6i in their nets to losen up i got passed the dna jobbie. 3 swings later and i was hit with the facts, im creating to much spin from a shaft that is under spec'd and far to weak, and my irons need replacing.

The point of this thread is that for 6 months ive held back on distance trying to swing smooth, but its not been through a swing fault, its been due to my clubs being incorrect for my swing. So by wishing for a free driver fitting (which i must add was very much appreciated GM:thup:) im now faced with a bill for new irons, and new fairways,..,

Pros - i get new shineys and there will be some stuff in the forsale section here

Cons - HID is going to go BONKERS!:mmm:


Money List Winner
Aug 19, 2009
Although your wallet is going to take a hit and you might be castrated I think this is a good news story. Your handicap has been coming down really nicely over the past year and the new clubs will help catapult you to single figures. I think it goes to show how important custom fitting is so very chuffed for you but hope you hold onto your testes!!!!

What irons are you looking at? :)


Ryder Cup Winner
Jun 20, 2010
Croydon, Surrey
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cheers tiger, the current short list is TM TP CB's or Cobra S2 Forged, both come in the suggested shaft spec. Ive found a local fitter who has a S2 forged in the right spec so im off to try it saturday morning, he's also a tm fitter so will try the CB back to back. Ive always loved tm irons, but as my woods are going all cobra im being open minded, as an outsider the FG Tour Forged fancy something a bit different,

Chris,,,,, any room on the sofa...old buddy old pal old friend.


Tour Winner
Sep 10, 2009
Selby, North Yorkshire
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What your going through now it almost identical to what I experienced... apart from I've never been custom fit.
Had a set of Callaway X20 in regular. They ballooned even on soft shots and any sort of wood was wayward. Bought nearly a whole new bag with stiff shafts and my handicap moved -3 in 2 weeks. Its nice to hit iron shots and have the go within a few yards of your target. Nevermind how much easier it is to hit fairways off the tee.
You don't have to go new on all your gear too. Only 3 pieces of my set up are where BNIB.


Ryder Cup Winner
Jun 20, 2010
Croydon, Surrey
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lump, im not set in stone for all new, i have my eyes on numerous sets of used irons meeting my requirements. the problem is if i can get the 2 short listed prefered sets for 300 & 350 respectively as they are hevily discounted, why would i pay 250-273 for used.... for the sakes of 50-75 quid i may aswell have shiney. ;)

and try finding new cobra fairways second hand.... they just aint out there.


Money List Winner
Oct 26, 2011
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Although your wallet is going to take a hit and you might be castrated I think this is a good news story. Your handicap has been coming down really nicely over the past year and the new clubs will help catapult you to single figures. I think it goes to show how important custom fitting is so very chuffed for you but hope you hold onto your testes!!!!

What irons are you looking at? :)

That's the right order of priorities - give up your manhood for a handicap cut :clap:


Journeyman Pro
Jun 7, 2011
Tiptree, Essex - Where they make the Jam!
You're obviously passionate about Golf like most of us are, so go for it. I always use the excuse "It's not like I do anything else like going to the pub or going to football every week" (I gave up my Palace season ticket to join a golf club)

Good luck with the fitting and the inevitable single figure handicap!

By the way, I see you're a Croydon lad, Palace fan??


Journeyman Pro
Jun 7, 2011
Tiptree, Essex - Where they make the Jam!
He couldn't find his way to Selhurst Park with a sat nav, Swanny, but me, could drive to it blind fold!
There's a few of us on here isn't there! Only been down there the once this season for the West Ham game but hoping to make another trip down before the end of the season. Followed them home and away for a few years but kids and life in general took over, I'm lucky I was allowed to join the golf club!


Tour Rookie
May 10, 2010
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Having spoken to Baz a couple of times over the last few days im glad he has posted his current dilemma, being a fellow Golf geek this dilemma very much amuses me and anything I can say or do to add to the confusion I am more than happy to do so.

You seem to have forgotten the other recent revelation after 'pink castle tee-gate'. Someone definitley has too much time on his hands....:rofl: