Battle of the egos


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Mar 3, 2007
The land of the Jock Frock
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After recent media reports and all the column inches (on here, the printed press and online) given to the Ryder Cup captains I am left wondering:

Is THIS Ryder Cup all about the players, the fans and the whole RC experience or have the ego maniacs in charge (Captains Faldo and Azinger) stolen its thunder. I think that this RC is in danger of becoming a 'BIG WILLY' competition between two guys who's arrogance and self importance is notorious.
It may be seen as slightly cynical, but I do agree with you that it has become more about ego between Faldo & Zinger. However, blame I think should be at least 60% laid at the feet of the media & press for encoraging these two ego's. What's all the more worse, is that both Faldo & Zinger are saying, "Oh no, this Ryder cup is all about the competitors/men/lads/Europe & the US" (Yeah right...!)

Ryder cup always does have ego's involved, but the main competitors are very much in danger of having to take a back seat & I really think Faldo/Zinger & the press should concentrate upon the great event for what it is without over egging the pudding so to speak.
a 'BIG WILLY' competition between two guys who's arrogance and self importance is notorious.

It does look like the whole event will be more concerned with penile length and girth rather than golf. Having said that, many sporting events where monstrous egos are involved are essential viewing: Senna v Prost, McEnroe v Borg.

I don't agree with Faldo's wildcards (Clarke should've been in in place of Poulter) and I am not a fan of either Faldo or Azinger BUT..... it should still be the best 3 days sport you'll see this year and the monstrous egos involved should add to the drama.
A good captain should always take the limelight, and by extension the pressure, off the players until it gets down to the 1st tee.

In my view both Captains are doing a good job in keeping their players out of the nerve jungle.

Once the 19th comes around, it will all be about the golf and not the Captains - as it should be.
BUT..... it should still be the best 3 days sport you'll see this year and the monstrous egos involved should add to the drama.
Sorry SS2 but I have to disagree. The Ryder Cup doesn't catch the attention of the American public. The result of the match is immaterial. What counts in golf are the MAJORS. Who remembers how Nicklaus, Watson, Trevino played in the RC?
Roll on Augusta in spring. Woods vs. Harrington.
A good captain should always take the limelight, and by extension the pressure, off the players until it gets down to the 1st tee.

In my view both Captains are doing a good job in keeping their players out of the nerve jungle.

Once the 19th comes around, it will all be about the golf and not the Captains - as it should be.

You took the words out of my mouth- the ego's are there to let the team get on with it until the tournament starts - it also adds to the whole experiance. Like all big matches thre is a certain amount of build up needed and thats what the captains are doing.
Azinger will want to put one over on Faldo, by captaincy and on a personal level, that's for sure. It's only in the last 5-6 years that Faldo has 'opened up' but you can tell he's still a bit awkward here and there. Azinger on the other hand has always been gobby and having beaten the big C has a very honest and forthright view of the world - and Faldo. It's what Faldo will do behind the scenes that will matter - his preparation will be to the nth degree, and, I think, will make the difference. If he's got the leadership and man management qualities to pull if off, too, that would be a bonus...! Hmmm.
Unfortunately I shall miss most of it. I'm on holiday in Ireland that week, and so I doubt if I can spend Friday watching golf, ditto Saturday, and then Saturday night I am getting the ferry back to Liverpool, and Sunday morning driving home. I hope to see the afternoon on Sunday (which hopefully will be the best bit). I love the Ryder cup.

On the plus side, I have now booked a round at Royal County Down for my first day in NI. Can't wait.

Also got my new sticks at last.
Nick Faldo has the biggest ego on the planet. I don't really know about the 'zinger but if the man doesn't have some humility (given he's alive) then I hope to see his team lose in the most humiliating way known to man....

When Europe win, I might need a bucket......
oh joy, just been given the weekend 19 - 21 free by swmbo (because of something she wants to do so it won't even cost me!)

now all I need do is find a game . . .
i don't have sky sports...! i'll just have to tape the highlights on BBC... but i do agree with toonarmy. the job of the captains is to take the spotlight of the players. however i can't but think this is a byproduct of the naturally ego-centric Faldo/Azinger.
Part of me wants to see Faldo humiliated :mad: