Ball position per club

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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Would you consider the below image regarding ball poistion/club correct?


If not, what would you change?


Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 4, 2009
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There is a man who says play every club with the ball in the same position.

Does that mean there's no right or wrong answer?


Tour Winner
Jul 20, 2011
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There is a man who says play every club with the ball in the same position.

Does that mean there's no right or wrong answer?

On a couple of DVD's I have Faldo and Nick Price. Say to play all clubs 2" inside the front heel, so as not to over complicate things. I use to do that many moons ago. But since restarting playing been doing it Bob's way.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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I think the ball in one position was the preferred teaching method back in the 80's as I remember a pro trying to get me to adopt it. The ball moving back as the irons get shorter seems to make more sense to get to the bottom of the ball


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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I think the ball in one position was the preferred teaching method back in the 80's as I remember a pro trying to get me to adopt it. The ball moving back as the irons get shorter seems to make more sense to get to the bottom of the ball

There is not much difference really. If you move your right foot forward with short clubs it gets to the middle of your stance anyway.


Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 4, 2009
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For some reason I just don't feel comfortable with the ball in the middle even with wedges, so for full shots it's always forward of centre.


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
That's right, left armpit is the right position.

I don't agree as that is where the clubhead would be at the bottom of it's divot (lowest point)... left nip would be more appropriate to catch the ball before turf :p

Of course with the ball in this position the LAST thing you'd want to be doing is getting stuck on your right side :thup:

moving is back from there makes sense if you want a more descendsing blow.... so with that in mind I don't think there is such a thing as a 'correct' position.... only wrong ones.


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
I don't agree as that is where the clubhead would be at the bottom of it's divot (lowest point)... left nip would be more appropriate to catch the ball before turf :p

Of course with the ball in this position the LAST thing you'd want to be doing is getting stuck on your right side :thup:

moving is back from there makes sense if you want a more descendsing blow.... so with that in mind I don't think there is such a thing as a 'correct' position.... only wrong ones.

Wow, just read that back and it sound really cryptic :mad: and poorly written :D

The point I was trying to make is that the bottom of the swing arc is approx under the left armpit and you don't want to be hitting the ball there as the club would already be in the turf, so you need it just back from there (left nipple or just left of sternum center) so you hit the ball before the ground, unless of course you're going to manufacture a shot (ie: hit down on it a bit more) in which case you'd need it even further back.

If you do choose to play the ball a bit more forward then you must ensure you don't have a tendency to hang back on your right side too much else you're going to thin/fat your shots more often as your club will likely hit the ground before it gets to the ball if you hang back (or you early extend instead and hit thin shots).

....that's better :D

And in conclusion.... I don't think you can genuinely state where is the right or correct place to put the ball as everyone is different... it's accepted that it's more forward for the driver as that has the POTENTIAL to be hit more on the way up, but that isn't necessarily so. Using a 'one 4 all' solution for where is right isn't really a step forward... that would be the equivalent of assuming we all have the same swing.
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Q-School Graduate
Jul 29, 2011
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i've been reading a great book "swing like a pro" which is based on a studying tour pro's

they talk about playing the ball in a more forward position, a la jack nicklaus, reason being this promotes a good transition and reducing the chance of getting stuck on the right handside.

My transition isn't great - i have gone for this approach


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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Wow, just read that back and it sound really cryptic :mad: and poorly written :D

The point I was trying to make is that the bottom of the swing arc is approx under the left armpit and you don't want to be hitting the ball there as the club would already be in the turf, so you need it just back from there (left nipple or just left of sternum center) so you hit the ball before the ground, unless of course you're going to manufacture a shot (ie: hit down on it a bit more) in which case you'd need it even further back.

If you do choose to play the ball a bit more forward then you must ensure you don't have a tendency to hang back on your right side too much else you're going to thin/fat your shots more often as your club will likely hit the ground before it gets to the ball if you hang back (or you early extend instead and hit thin shots).

....that's better :D

And in conclusion.... I don't think you can genuinely state where is the right or correct place to put the ball as everyone is different... it's accepted that it's more forward for the driver as that has the POTENTIAL to be hit more on the way up, but that isn't necessarily so. Using a 'one 4 all' solution for where is right isn't really a step forward... that would be the equivalent of assuming we all have the same swing.

James, That is the position at address. As you transfer your weight in the downswing the sternum will point forward of the ball, your swing arc bottom will then be ahead of the ball.

Also remember that as the right foot moves in towards the left as the club gets shorter and away as it gets longer then the ball will not always be forward.

P.S. In line with the left armpit is two or three inches inside the left heel if your left foot is set at shoulder width.

We are also talking of standard shots and not specialty ones that require the ball further back or forward in the stance.
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