Any thoughts on my new swing?


Medal Winner
Jun 25, 2015
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Hi all,

i was basically playing self taught for 3 years (watching videos online and though feel etc) and was playing to around 8 handicap.

I've now had 3 lessons in the past 3 weeks and it's basically changed my swing completely and feel like I've gone so far backwards i'll be playing off 28+ again.

I'm yet to get on a course but I've been to the driving range quite a lot in between lessons.

If you could get my links below and any comments, things to work on will be appreciated, however I am still continuing to have lessons (maybe another 3-5 depending).

any input would be appreciated,

many thanks!


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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if you having a series of lessons then the thing to do is go with it, 100% commitment, to the bunch of stuff being worked on.

keep having the practice sessions between the lessons.
but you gotta make sure with some rigor that with what is/are the changes looking to be made, that it is this/these you practice & not revert back to what's the old comfortable & familiar patterns.

only real ways to tell 'feel to real' is video your practice sessions - having already some video of the lessons & changes, with the drills too etc - then you have a good visual reference comparison to fall back on.
rely only on thinking you made the changes without checking, most often times means folks are still nearer the old patterns rather than the new ones.

make sure you fully understand what the Pro really means with any 'feel' instructions - ask questions if you're unsure even if you think the questions are maybes a tad foolish.

it's important to get some of the lesson swings the Pro thinks are near to what you're looking to achieve on video for reference - likewise any lesson drill work - say for example how to sequence the downswing from the ground up, drills for path change, solid strike & having a forwards leaning shaft, or how best to change the swing direction through impact etc.

it will then give you a bunch of sound reference points for work sessions between the lessons.
good luck with it.


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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Do you understand what the pro has changed and why?
If I were teaching an 8 h/cap, I certainly wouldn't completely change the swing. Maybe the odd tweak to help with a specific problem.


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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Looks like you were coming down very steep and out to in and are still doing the same.

What changes should you be working on?


Medal Winner
Jun 25, 2015
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Do you understand what the pro has changed and why?
If I were teaching an 8 h/cap, I certainly wouldn't completely change the swing. Maybe the odd tweak to help with a specific problem.

It's probably more of a feeling of "complete change" rather than actually changing that much.

He altered my grip for my right hand to be more over the club than gripping the side and promoting hook and also more body rotation that purely arms.

Make sense?