An odd dream


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Feb 21, 2013
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Last night I dreamt that Gemma from EG called in to talk about WHS. The only thing I remember about it is that she told me the WHS software would no longer support the use of the : (colon) symbol. !!!!!!
Apart from it being nonsense it made me wonder when did I last use a colon in written English.
When did you and why?
I use them a lot at work when quoting, for example, the price requested is as follows:

1 x golf bag

Whether technically correct or not I don't know but I get the colon used in the same way coming back so it seems to be acceptable.
I use them a lot at work when quoting, for example, the price requested is as follows:

1 x golf bag

Whether technically correct or not I don't know but I get the colon used in the same way coming back so it seems to be acceptable.

Colon used before a list is perfectly acceptable. In creating many stakeholder presentations I use colons a lot for lists, descriptions and explanations so quite frequently.
Given that the use of colon is an inherent reference to the gruesome and shameful past related to Colon-isation. I think you should cancel your dream..
I'm going to go out on a limb here and suggest that in the grand scheme of things I don't think Martin Luther King has a lot to worry about in terms of "I have a dream". :ROFLMAO:
That is an odd dream and you need to take the following actions: get out more, play golf without keeping score and next time you lose a ball, put one down if no one is looking!

There you go, at the introduction of a list! :)
Might I be so bold as to suggest (because I don’t actually know) that the following might be alternative punctuation, the list being a list of clauses…maybe…? I’m not sure if the second comma should also be a semi-colon - perhaps it would be if the and was dropped.

following actions: get out more; play golf without keeping score, and next time you lose a ball, put one down if no one is looking!

Surprised that the Forum pedant hasn't been on yet to present his views on the use of colons (and possibly semi colons) and accentuate his comments with totally unnecessary !!!!!!!'s. :whistle: