Advert rant


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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Lots of us have some way of pausing live tv so we can fast forward the adverts but this rant is not aimed at the adverts themselves, it's aimed at the guy/girl who decides when the advert starts..........
PLEASE wait until the person has finished his/her sentence before you cut them off.:angry::angry::angry: :sbox:


Money List Winner
Mar 7, 2012
The only Kingdom in Scotland
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Damn, I thought this was a general advert rant thread. I have a few in mind (especially radio ads, they are just so bad.)
It's the Shell "new super-dooper fuel" one that gets me though "Starts working the second it hits your engine!" Ummm, isn't that what petrol is supposed to do. I would be a bit perturbed if it didn't and I had to wait a few minutes...

Sorry, sorry, not the point of the thread... But I feel a bit better all the same. :o


Challenge Tour Pro
Aug 29, 2011
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One of the reasons I still think the BBC is still so good is its lack of ads, especially live sport such as the open, uninterrupted coverage is the best


Journeyman Pro
Feb 20, 2013
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Why can't I charge them to watch their advert? I mean I don't want to see it I have not paid to see it I am not interested and its stealing my time ... Itv player doesn't let you zoom through the ads ! The bloody things are everywhere time to clean up and tell those in advertising to do a proper useful job

i do proper rants .. This one lacks some of my expletives


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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Why can't I charge them to watch their advert? I mean I don't want to see it I have not paid to see it I am not interested and its stealing my time ... Itv player doesn't let you zoom through the ads ! The bloody things are everywhere time to clean up and tell those in advertising to do a proper useful job

i do proper rants .. This one lacks some of my expletives

If independent TV didn't have adverts then how would it be funded. Another licence?

Hacker Khan

Yurt Dwelling, Yoghurt Knitter
Aug 28, 2012
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Lots of us have some way of pausing live tv so we can fast forward the adverts but this rant is not aimed at the adverts themselves, it's aimed at the guy/girl who decides when the advert starts..........
PLEASE wait until the person has finished his/her sentence before you cut them off.:angry::angry::angry: :sbox:

That winds me up on Dexter which is particularly bad for it. I find it is worse on the US programs where they have advert breaks every 10 minutes. Which is a bit much for UK TV (up to yet, but give it time), so over here they have to come up with breaks in the program other than the more natural ones they use in the US. Which is when you can get the stupid breaks in the middle of a scene.

To be honest, apart from the odd sporting event, I've not watched a program live on commercial TV for many years now as I Sky Plus them all so I can fast forward all the adverts. I loved Broadchurch, but can imagine it would have been a pain watching it live with all the adverts spoiling the flow of it.