Adapting to different ground conditions

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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A question for the gentlemen of the forum.

I'm having real difficulty adapting from the soft winter conditions to the firm conditions of late. I'm striking the ball really well of late, but I'm finding scoring difficult due to the firm ground

I'm taking a club, even 2 less in some cases. I hit my target landing area, but still get out of position due to the firm ground.

As an example. Playing the 1st yesterday, a 360 yard par 4 that plays up hill all the way. I hit 5 wood off the tee to the 150 marker. I took 7 iron (.... As it plays up hill) Pitched just off the green right and ran through and about 10 yards behind the green.

The second example was our 4th, a 156 yard par 3. 8 iron off the tee (Usually take a gentle 6 iron) to land just short and run on. Pitched middle of the green, massive bounce over the back and finished 15 yards behind the green. How :mad: ????

My confidence is pretty low at the minute. I look at a shot, pick where I want to land it and choose the club to take to account for the firm ground but always seem to get it wrong and end up long.

Any suggestions appreciated :thup:


Medal Winner
May 8, 2012
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Like I said in an earlier forum, if i use midrange to cheaper balls, i struggle to stop balls on greens from certain distances. I love to hit the ball in low, so prefer more expensive balls to get the stop I require. Doesn't help I'm hitting from the left hand rough a lot of the time too...:mmm:

duncan mackie

Money List Winner
Feb 19, 2012
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ball's got next to nothing to do with what you are outlining Gareth - if one ball will 'bounce' when landing on a green, they all will.

the real answer earlier to practice different approaches in a single controlled environment - preferably where you can watch what happens.

find a relatively flat 'control' hole and set up at 150 from the centre. Now start with your 7 iron (from your earlier post) and play a normal shot to establish that wind etc aren't a factor. It should land on the green and run through.

from this you need to systematically work through not only your 7 iron, by reducing your swing (aiming at a 'short' target) but also trying a 5 and 6 iron and doing the same to find your optimum '150 yard approach shot'. You should also hit full shots with 8, 9 and even PW to observe how they behave - if there is a little softness in the ground this may be your easy solution but it's not usually because the high trajectory will be extremely sensitive to the landing conditions (and can jump right, left etc as well!).

you should be able to get a new set of working 'shots from clubs' for the range 170 - 50y by extrapolating what you establish; you may want to double check at 100yds.

struggling as you seem to be, this effort will pay dividends very quickly and will give you a good grounding for the play of a wide range of shots. the key is that most amateurs simply don't hit the same shot as each other when, for example, hitting a 'half 7 iron', so you need to find out what works for you.

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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ball's got next to nothing to do with what you are outlining Gareth - if one ball will 'bounce' when landing on a green, they all will.

the real answer earlier to practice different approaches in a single controlled environment - preferably where you can watch what happens.

find a relatively flat 'control' hole and set up at 150 from the centre. Now start with your 7 iron (from your earlier post) and play a normal shot to establish that wind etc aren't a factor. It should land on the green and run through.

from this you need to systematically work through not only your 7 iron, by reducing your swing (aiming at a 'short' target) but also trying a 5 and 6 iron and doing the same to find your optimum '150 yard approach shot'. You should also hit full shots with 8, 9 and even PW to observe how they behave - if there is a little softness in the ground this may be your easy solution but it's not usually because the high trajectory will be extremely sensitive to the landing conditions (and can jump right, left etc as well!).

you should be able to get a new set of working 'shots from clubs' for the range 170 - 50y by extrapolating what you establish; you may want to double check at 100yds.

struggling as you seem to be, this effort will pay dividends very quickly and will give you a good grounding for the play of a wide range of shots. the key is that most amateurs simply don't hit the same shot as each other when, for example, hitting a 'half 7 iron', so you need to find out what works for you.

Good advise Duncan. Thanks for that.

As I outlined in the original post, my balls striking is pretty good at the minute, but , as you say it's the club selection that's letting me down.

I'll try your suggestion and see what adjustements I can make :thup:


Money List Winner
Mar 4, 2009
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I'm taking a club, even 2 less in some cases. I hit my target landing area, but still get out of position due to the firm ground.

As an example. Playing the 1st yesterday, a 360 yard par 4 that plays up hill all the way. I hit 5 wood off the tee to the 150 marker. I took 7 iron (.... As it plays up hill) Pitched just off the green right and ran through and about 10 yards behind the green.

The second example was our 4th, a 156 yard par 3. 8 iron off the tee (Usually take a gentle 6 iron) to land just short and run on. Pitched middle of the green, massive bounce over the back and finished 15 yards behind the green. How :mad: ????

I could have written this post myself. I got well messed up today.

I personally move up to a more spinny ball, but as suggested, this can only help to a certain degree - so I also use GPS and yardage myself for the front of the green. For example, today I hit 119 to the 1st green (9 iron), went through the back and made bogey. 137 to the 2nd (8 iron) landed well short of the pin, ran through the back into the sand, splashed out and 3 putted from miles away. 3 over after 2 grim..... :(

However, I put my "summer plan" into action (I'd kind of forgotten, up until the 5th when it all came back :)) and from there on it was OK. The only bad hole was the 12th (par 5) when I'd chopped off 460 with my first two shots, then had all of 90 yards, so tried to hit a PW short, except it landed just on the green, ran through the back like a rabbit on red bull into a hedge. However, I still made 5 :) Luck, that one.


1) either do your yardages or 2) be lazy, and take a reading and if GPS says it's 140 to the flag, 126 to the front, try and hit it 120-125.

It's like playing Links really, read the "run-in" zone short of the green, play short and if necessary right or left to take into account the contours.

Tomorrow, it'll be soggy again, but soon enough I'll be using the summer balls and summer plan.
