A bit of club building advice needed!


Assistant Pro
Feb 20, 2013
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Sorry, I posted this in the 'lounge'....probably should have been posted here!

I’m going to extend my MP58s by an inch (I had them cranked up 3 degrees on the lie yesterday).

I’ve just taken the old grips off and found rust inside the steel (DG) shafts. Having had a Google-up (as you do), the wisdom seems to be that’s nothing to panic about….as opposed to rust on the outside, which is a big worry. Some have said they’ve even see rust inside brand new shafts.

However, do you think I need to clean out the rust before gluing in the extension pieces…if so, how do I do it? Also, would you advise a squirt of WD40 inside all the shafts?

When it comes to putting the grip tape on, I always thought you should leave an extra bit overhanging, which is then twisted round and stuffed into the inside of the shaft – so as to prevent rain etc. getting in.

But I’ve seen a few people say that a hole should be pierced through the tape, to allow the inside of the club to air, otherwise moisture/condensation is trapped in, and that encourages rust on the inside of the shaft.

I’d be very interested, and obliged, to get your views on this, all.
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Challenge Tour Pro
Feb 9, 2012
Just spray the WD40 onto a cotton bud and use it to clean the rust off. It will just be surface rust and wont have penetrated - its quite common to get new shafts with a little bit in them but generally its just discolouration.

The way you describe the grip tape overhanging and then twisting in is the right way to do it.

Why are you extending by an inch by the way - how do you know its the right length. I very rarely fit to an inch over my standard lengths and you could just be making them very hard to use?


Money List Winner
Mar 6, 2011
Emerald Isle
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just got my pw to 5 iron extended by half inch, pro wants me to stand taller so he advised this .. grips are bit ticker aswell .. felt strange at first , geting use to it , [i hope]


Assistant Pro
Feb 20, 2013
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Thanks for the reply, MGL.

My last set were 1 inch longer (and 2 degrees up).

I'm 6 foot 4 tall, and my pro agreed longer clubs were needed (I know height isn't the whole story, but he was pretty sure I looked right with inch longer clubs).

I've not an all-out fitting yet, but will do if I'm playing this often (and this keen) next year.....funds permitting!!

I'm really shocked that you seldom do inch longer clubs....didn't Faldo play TWO inches longer?

Thanks again for your reply MGL.


Money List Winner
Mar 6, 2011
Emerald Isle
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Just 2 layers of tape mate , must admit they are snugger.. all on the advice of the pro ive started seeing .. seems to know what he saying & doing .. not that id know ha


Challenge Tour Pro
Feb 9, 2012
Thanks for the reply, MGL.

My last set were 1 inch longer (and 2 degrees up).

I'm 6 foot 4 tall, and my pro agreed longer clubs were needed (I know height isn't the whole story, but he was pretty sure I looked right with inch longer clubs).

I've not an all-out fitting yet, but will do if I'm playing this often (and this keen) next year.....funds permitting!!

I'm really shocked that you seldom do inch longer clubs....didn't Faldo play TWO inches longer?

Thanks again for your reply MGL.

I've sorted quite a few sets out where shops have recommended an inch based on how tall someone is!!

One of the guys I fitted last week - 6ft 5" - was 0.5" over my standard length. Guy last Friday - 6ft 3" - was 0.25" over my standard. I have test clubs made up in three flexes, three weights and five different lengths. I just get people to hit with different ones until we find the best combination. Probably no more than 10% of my customers go with an inch longer.

Why not try extending by 0.5" first off and see how you get on with them? Did the pro use impact tape on the face to check how close to the centre the hits were?


Assistant Pro
Feb 20, 2013
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I've sorted quite a few sets out where shops have recommended an inch based on how tall someone is!!

One of the guys I fitted last week - 6ft 5" - was 0.5" over my standard length. Guy last Friday - 6ft 3" - was 0.25" over my standard. I have test clubs made up in three flexes, three weights and five different lengths. I just get people to hit with different ones until we find the best combination. Probably no more than 10% of my customers go with an inch longer.

Why not try extending by 0.5" first off and see how you get on with them? Did the pro use impact tape on the face to check how close to the centre the hits were?

Thanks again mate.

Yes, I did the impact tape thing with the pro.

He said I should really have an all-out, proper fitting, but that I wasn't a million miles out with the inch longer/2 degrees up.

Like I say, I will have a proper fitting in the not-too-distant, but I just want to make sure I'm playing regularly before I splash the big cash!

If I may pick you brains further..... in fitting the extension, I usually rough up the bit that's going in with abrasive paper, clean it thoroughly, then knock it in very snugly about an inch and a half (of course, with plenty of Araldite). Sound sensible?

All the best.


Challenge Tour Pro
Feb 9, 2012
If I may pick you brains further..... in fitting the extension, I usually rough up the bit that's going in with abrasive paper, clean it thoroughly, then knock it in very snugly about an inch and a half (of course, with plenty of Araldite). Sound sensible?

All the best.

Spot on!

Where did you do your clubmaking training then lol??!!!


Assistant Pro
Feb 20, 2013
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Thanks & LOL. Youtube (like everyone else who learns just enough to get themselves in trouble!).

You'd have laughed yesterday, MGL: when I got the lies chaned at AG, the pro said "who put these grips on....not matter how long ago they were done, you should ask for your money back". To my credit, I did admit that I put them on!!

They're OK....just not pointing exactly as they should,,,,but they're on straight...and £2-odd inc grip tape!!

PS. would you bother with the WD40 before fitting the extensions....or is it just for worriers?

PPS. Is it true that Faldo played 2 inch longer clubs?....in the light of what you said earlier, I find it amazing if true. He's only about 6 foot 3, isn't he?