A bit of a Duffner Waggle!


Money List Winner
Feb 1, 2009
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After having seen the argument of golf being a simple game and my own thoughts being that i like knowing whats wrong i decided to take Driver4shows, Snelly's Robobum's, and a few others advice on how they just get up and do what feels natural....

And before i go any further i have to apologize on being a bit blinkered about the matter......I had half a bucket of balls left and just decided to step up aim roughly where i wanted the ball to go and just loosen up everything and let rip....

Here is the outcome..... Oh and for the record they waved goodbye to the 200yard marker as the were passing well above it.....
Its not pretty, posture is probably all wrong, grip was good, backswing looked ok, legs are probably all wrong but it went like a scalded cat...
And there were plenty more after that.......

On a side note the first 6 or 7 i hit were hooked sliced and were all round nasty ones where i was thinking about my hips,my legs,my posture, my alignment, the lot......



Good way to think!

I am no swing expert but I would say yours looks alright. If a hook is your bad shot then I would hazard a guess that it is because your swing can sometimes be a little flat - it certainly is in this short example. Ideally, I would like to see your hands a bit higher at the top of your backswing. Perhaps experiment with this a bit next time you're at the driving range? Aesthetically it would be better and it may give you a better ball strike if you are lucky?!

Just food for thought rather than any recommended major change. As I say, I am not an expert but I do know what looks right.