5&4 last week - 8&7 this :-)


Money List Winner
Oct 26, 2011
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Don't like to be me me me but what a start to representing my new club! Jean Wilkinson match last week which is singles matchplay in handicap "bands" (10-16) for me and played off scratch. Won 5&4 then my opponent told me she was off 11 so I felt even better and she felt even worse!

Today it was the Grace Norman Foursomes Matchplay and we won 8&7. Giving 3 shots in the first 5 holes yet still won them all. Halved a few holes before another couple of wins and nailed a birdie putt on the 11th for the match win.

Better still the team won the first match 5-2 and 2-1 today - feeling very happy :cheers:


Money List Winner
Oct 26, 2011
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Putting improved then?

Out of all recognition. Had an on course lesson Tuesday and we looked at my pre-putt routine plus established I was standing a bit closed. Really worked on the precision of lining up the putter to the line which sounds common sense but I was too "casual" with it. I've never felt so confident on the greens and relish getting my putter out and testing myself. Played Tydd St Giles yesterday which has the biggest greens I've ever seen so a genuine test of what I'd learnt. Then today it was pressure putting and nailed a tricky blighter for the win on 2 and never missed after that including a tidy 15' downhiller for the birdie and win on the 11th :-)

So you were right without seeing me that it was in the set-up :thup: