2 specs in the North west OOM


Ryder Cup Winner
Jul 14, 2011
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Hello all,

We have had 2 dropouts and this is just a last chance open for a small time only, for if any one fancies a go in this. Just a few stipulations:-

You must have been on the forum for 3 months, and you must have a club handicap (or can get one in the next month). So if any lurkers fancy this, say so on here and a bit more about yourself, if not a regular poster and the captains will pick two from any applicants (if there are any).

More details can be found on Birchy's blog, but basically it is a competition over 6 North west courses over the next 6 months, with the highest stableford total winning overall. The entry fee is £20.

If we don't get any applicants, we#ll just go with the 20 of us.

More details at:- OOM Blog http://gmgolfnorthwest.blogspot.co.uk/
LB, has walshaw been in touch?
He gave us £20 to play at Preston, don't want the lad to be out of pocket.

Ive tried contacting him and no luck. Dont think Peter has had anything from him either mate.

Will have to try and fill the spot maybe and keep the 20 quid to one side and if he resurfaces we can refund him but if not put it in the OOM prizes?
LB, has walshaw been in touch?
He gave us £20 to play at Preston, don't want the lad to be out of pocket.

I've PM'ed him twice and no answer, if you have his moby, give him a ring for us.

Splashtryagain replied, and said he may come to some of the meets, but can't commit to all of it. Fair enough.
I'd be interested in coming to a mini-meet or two, but not sure I can commit to all the courses - especially not this year with nearly all my annual leave going on my honeymoon (not that I mind it, in case the future Mrs hears, but it does somewhat restrict leave for the rest of the year)
One space taken by a non-forummer (okayed by all the captains) who is Podgster's mate.

He has had an active handicap for more than a year, and will be joining the forum anon.

One spec left, any takers?