1st ever singles matchplay today.... giving shots aswell!


Money List Winner
Dec 3, 2010
Stevenage, Herts
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1st round of club singles knockout today against a 24 handicapper so giving 2 shots.

only ever played pairs so should be good. Had a bit of rain last couple of days so I expect the course will be spot on as was a little dry last week. New trolley being used aswell so bring it on :p

He is a senior and the S.I 1 & 2 always play long, I par'd and bogeyed them last week so hopefully the same today all going well. I know I will be longer off the tee if my driving continues as it has for the last few rounds/range sessions and the short game is getting there, lets hope I can hole a few putts. (we wont mention the iron play, its that bad lol)

Here goes nothing :)


Money List Winner
Feb 4, 2010
north yorks
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Good luck matchplay is great and only 2 shots will make it feel like almost scratch matchplay even more fun!
Enjoy and bring it home, hope the balls are lethal-ier today! :lol:


Money List Winner
Dec 3, 2010
Stevenage, Herts
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I am out :(

1 gross birdie & 5 gross pars aswell but inbetween I gave him holes, lost 4 & 3 as I was trying to force a comeback & put 2 drives o/b @ 2 down :(

I am not getting on with the rocketbladez at all atm, off the tee solid, wedges great but irons were cack!

I parred the 1st to go one up, ob off the tee on 2 with a hooked iron , parred the 3rd (for a half), had a bogey 5 on s.i 1 and lost to his 5... just wasnt meant to be. Highlight was on 13 s.i 2 I hit a wedge to 4 inches for a gimme par after coming up just short in 2 on a 420 yard into the wind par4

He worked it out that by stableford he would have had 34 points with 4 to play!!! I would have had 5 blobs lol as my bad holes were shocking
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Journeyman Pro
Apr 9, 2008
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Unlucky mate, what do you think the issue is in regards to irons ? How were you hitting them off the tee ?


Money List Winner
Dec 3, 2010
Stevenage, Herts
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sums me up at the mo. The irons feel to light for me, when we had the fitting the 7 iron went well as did whatever other one it was.

Its technique at the end of the day, going through a major swing change so gonna take a while. Don't get me wrong I hit a few blinders and was just beaten by a similar ability bloke playing steady. The holes I won I won with pars and a birdie, the holes I lost were to bogeys and doubles... nuff said