As Interest Rates On Your Capital Heads For 0% …Time To Think Outside The Box!
I am the owner of a fabulous 1 bedroom property at Paramount Gardens, Larnaca Cyprus. I bought the property off-plan around 2006 and it is due for completion early next year. Despite the current economic climate, the property has increased in value and has considerable prospects for capital growth as it is located on an exclusive golf complex, backed by the PGA Tour and European Golf Federation, and complete later next year.
The current value of the property is conservatively estimated at £145,000.
I have decided to divide the property into 3 shares of £40,000 each (so you are already over £8K in profit). I am retaining one share, and there are two remaining shares for other investors.
Please email for full details of this fantastic deal at
I am the owner of a fabulous 1 bedroom property at Paramount Gardens, Larnaca Cyprus. I bought the property off-plan around 2006 and it is due for completion early next year. Despite the current economic climate, the property has increased in value and has considerable prospects for capital growth as it is located on an exclusive golf complex, backed by the PGA Tour and European Golf Federation, and complete later next year.
The current value of the property is conservatively estimated at £145,000.
I have decided to divide the property into 3 shares of £40,000 each (so you are already over £8K in profit). I am retaining one share, and there are two remaining shares for other investors.
Please email for full details of this fantastic deal at