Recent content by TommyMorris

  1. TommyMorris

    Is golf doing enough for the environment?

    Wyatt, I am afraid that golf's perceived image is very poor in regards to environmental excellence, but there are many examples of great ecological practice out there. Please have a look at this site Golf environment awards I was part of this process and my team was fortunate to be chosen...
  2. TommyMorris

    Laying a putting green in the garden...

    Where do I start? You will need a quality cylinder mower with at least 9 blades, preferably one with interchangeable cylinders so you can also buy a verticutting or scarifying reel, also you will need some machine to aerate the green (unless you want to try using a hand fork.....).Brand new...
  3. TommyMorris

    Links v Parkland

    TR, I feel that parkland golf is more forgiving. They tend to be softer, so that shots struck into fairways/greens tend to stick where they are. Links on the other hand demand more imagination, the ball is going to run a fair distance, so contours, will have to be considered, when approaching...
  4. TommyMorris

    Stimp Meter How Does It Work

    Guys, Thanks for the comments about the course and the blog. We try our best.....In regards to the Estonian lovelies.....we have a sandpatching team consisting of 7 East European ladies. They came across two years ago, could not speak much English, and had no experience of golf, or golf...
  5. TommyMorris

    Stimp Meter How Does It Work

    A stimp meter is a device invented to measure green speeds. It is basically a ramp with a notch at one end (where the ball is put). One end of the ramp is then lifted to a certain angle, where the ball leaves the notch and runs down the slope (the same distance for all stimpmeters). After it...
  6. TommyMorris

    EU pesticide vote

    Thanks Cerr.. I hope from tonight you guys understand that we, who look after your courses, do so with the upmost passion and conviction, and that when outside influences dictate the maintenance of your pastime, then we get upset and need to vent off a little.... Tom.
  7. TommyMorris

    EU pesticide vote

    Ade, Shhhh, dont let the EU know! They will be wanting us to go electric next....... Been an interesting convo tonight..... Sleep easy and putt well Tommy.
  8. TommyMorris

    EU pesticide vote

    Cernunnos, Ok, the situation on the majority of British courses is this.. Every employee that sprays has a certificate of competence. The Head greenkeeper will decide on that morning, if, the weather conditions are suitable to is it windy, is it going to rain, will the chemical dry...
  9. TommyMorris

    EU pesticide vote

    Herb HERE! HERE! Couldnt agree more. Tommy
  10. TommyMorris

    EU pesticide vote

    Thanks Cernunnos It may come down to what you say, increased greenstaff laying down sheets last thing in the day when all the golfers have gone home.....I hope it does not. I posted this thread initially to see how much golfers would put up with, if chemicals were removed. Obviously there are...
  11. TommyMorris

    EU pesticide vote

    Cernunnos Is covering all the greens in black plastic realistic? I am on a sandy links site, no drainage problems, no thatch problems, but I still get the little buggers... It is not as easy as the text book says. Tommy
  12. TommyMorris

    EU pesticide vote

    Lol, Wish I had a full membership of guys like you ade!! Tommy
  13. TommyMorris

    EU pesticide vote

    Cernunnos, Even coastal tracks were not prepared as they are today, golfers expectations are unbelievably high compared to the past. I will give you an example of how the golfing world has moved on...In the 70's green speeds of about 7ft were considered to be fast......80's, 10ft was...
  14. TommyMorris

    EU pesticide vote

    Cernunnos, Please excuse me, but I think you are looking at this through rose tinted glasses. Have you ever watched the shell world of golf from the 70's? A putting stroke was impossible on those greens, thats why player and palmer jabbed at the ball, they had to hit it hard to couteract any...
  15. TommyMorris

    EU pesticide vote

    Ademac Chlorpyrifos is an organophosphate (one of the worst pesticides) it is a suspected carcinogen and that would be the criteria for its removal. Tommy