• Thanks to each and every one of you for being part of the Golf Monthly community! We hope you have a joyous holiday season!

Slab's latest activity

  • Slab
    Slab replied to the thread Official WHS Survey.
    You do seem to suffer from regularly being in comps won with high points by high handicappers We’ve probably all been similarly...
  • Slab
    It kinda should be but looking from the outside, there's perhaps these days some clubs running them as a revenue generators If adding...
  • Slab
    I thought the purpose of hosting an open and offering attractive entry fees was to entice potential new members. Is there another...
  • Slab
    Whilst I can see both sides of this, surely with a bit of thought you can come up with a much more sensible and equitable solution. Just...
  • Slab
    Slab replied to the thread Random Irritations.
    Internet micro-cuts Pointless laptop updates A Roll up that wants to play scrambles
  • Slab
    Slab replied to the thread Official WHS Survey.
    Re the article I’ve yet to hear about anyone doing it yet but to make it into his top ‘4 things to change’ it must be far more...
  • Slab
    Slab reacted to jim8flog's post in the thread Losing weight/fitness thread with Haha Haha.
  • Slab
    Slab replied to the thread I bought today......
    He must've thought it was a scramble since he's clearly ready to step in and take his 4 drive minimum :p
  • Slab
    Slab reacted to sunshine's post in the thread I bought today..... with Love Love.
    Saw this guy when I went to Justin Rose LET event recently. Taking golf wear to the next level.
  • Slab
    Slab replied to the thread Winter bag Set up for 2024-2025.
    Yeah its not going down to half set its something in-between My 3w and 4iron often give pretty similar distance (especially into the...
  • Slab
    Slab replied to the thread 'Interesting' white golf shoes.
    I had a pair of these, callaway if I recall. Moulded spikes. They were very good until they weren't. Upper still in good nick, spikes...
  • Slab
    Slab replied to the thread Small file size limit for pictures..
    @KenL hope you don't mind if I add a tweak if your request were to go ahead If allowing larger file then 'forum' auto-compresses and...
  • Slab
    Slab replied to the thread Losing weight/fitness thread.
    High (for me) step count at the weekend with 42k done and near half of those with weight in backpack or carrying golf bag
  • Slab
    Slab reacted to Beezerk's post in the thread Losing weight/fitness thread with Like Like.
    Run completed, legs destroyed lol. Did it in 1 hour 4 minutes which I'm really chuffed with specially as my hanstrings were screaming at...
  • Slab
    Slab replied to the thread Winter bag Set up for 2024-2025.
    I try to only take what clubs I’ll get decent amount of use from for any round at any time of the year, whether carrying or not. That...