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    • R
      RB147 replied to the thread Lead Hand Ring Finer Pain.
      Thanks but I don’t think it is gout as I only get the pain when I play golf. Was that the same for you?
    • R
      RB147 replied to the thread Lead Hand Ring Finer Pain.
      I’m a right-handed golfer, my lead hand is my left. I have full movement of my hand and fingers with no stiffness or pain until I play...
    • R
      RB147 replied to the thread Lead Hand Ring Finer Pain.
      Thanks for the reply. No I don’t wear a ring. I agree it is very strange and seems to have defeated medical science. I’m absolutely gutted.
    • R
      I used to play a lot but have had to almost give up due to pain in my lead hand ring finger when I swing the club. The pain is at the...
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