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    • phoboter
      phoboter replied to the thread Course Rating.
      So to assess the difficulty of a golf course, the difficulty of a each tee shot, approach shot and green is not a direct part of any...
    • phoboter
      phoboter replied to the thread Course Rating.
      Whatever handicap index WHS currently uses to define a "bogey golfer". I would use the all the data for that handicap index played at...
    • phoboter
      phoboter replied to the thread Course Rating.
      But why do we need to know this when the data exists to show what golfers are scoring on the course?
    • phoboter
      phoboter replied to the thread Course Rating.
      1) some of the articles in this thread re. course rating assessment talk about difficulty of shot - if difficulty is considered, it's...
    • phoboter
      phoboter replied to the thread Course Rating.
      My point is, it's irrelevant because it's subjective. At what height have the assessors decided that bunker face height becomes...
    • phoboter
      phoboter replied to the thread Course Rating.
      Thanks, I found this article the most useful in explaining the process for rating...
    • phoboter
      phoboter replied to the thread Course Rating.
      CC98 - What is the rating of your course?
    • phoboter
      phoboter replied to the thread Course Rating.
      Very cryptic! How are the ratings done, and what are the parameters used for a modern scratch golfer?
    • phoboter
      phoboter replied to the thread Course Rating.
      So I would ask you, in regards to accuracy, is it accurate to have the assessors make a (at least partial) subjective assessment of a...
    • phoboter
      phoboter replied to the thread Course Rating. All scratch (-0.4 to 0.4) golfers who have played the course...
    • phoboter
      phoboter replied to the thread Course Rating.
      I have a question about the course rating which I don't think there's an answer for (!), but I think it's an interesting point: With...
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