Orikoru's latest activity

  • Orikoru
    Orikoru reacted to GB72's post in the thread What is a sport? with Like Like.
    Always wondered why the Americans have sent dream teams out for basketball and Ice Hockey but never for wrestling. Surely even at their...
  • Orikoru
    Orikoru replied to the thread Sports Betting Thread.
    I only bet on the golf majors now. Had a decent year as I've had the winner in 3 out of the 4. I used to do football accumulators but...
  • Orikoru
    Orikoru replied to the thread London GC International.
    Both times I played it I scored better on the back nine than I did on the front as well, so don't despair if your front nine isn't great.
  • Orikoru
    Orikoru reacted to Rlburnside's post in the thread London GC International with Like Like.
    Watched the Bullard vs O’Hara quite enjoyed it once you get by the waffle, the fairways seemed narrow but that’s probably deceiving...
  • Orikoru
    Orikoru replied to the thread YouTubers..
    Golf Life is my favourite golf channel at the moment. The puns are often football related and obviously follows on from their time on...
  • Orikoru
    Orikoru replied to the thread What is a sport?.
    Anything that takes physical and/or technical expertise to achieve, and in which you compete against others. 🤷‍♂️
  • Orikoru
    Orikoru replied to the thread YouTubers..
    Foster is quite hyper and can be annoying, so he's too similar to Tubes in that sense - I think they bring out the worst in each other!
  • Orikoru
    Orikoru replied to the thread YouTubers..
    I think we know all we need to know about Trump already - as I said earlier, he's car crash TV. You can scarcely believe he's a real...
  • Orikoru
    Orikoru replied to the thread YouTubers..
    Agreed - it depends how it plays out. If he's sycophantically poring over Trump then yes, I think it will undo a lot of the strides he's...
  • Orikoru
    Orikoru replied to the thread Random Irritations.
    I don't know. Oddly enough her nursery has had two outbreaks over the last year but she has avoided it both times. Now she has it, we...
  • Orikoru
    Orikoru reacted to Beezerk's post in the thread YouTubers. with Like Like.
    I'll watch it because I like Bryson and I'm curious as to how Trump will come across, got to be open minded on these things.
  • Orikoru
    Orikoru replied to the thread YouTubers..
    I don't like Trump but I'll still watch it. He's like a car crash in human form.
  • Orikoru
    Orikoru replied to the thread YouTubers..
    I've read the book about it - Commander In Cheat. Some of the stories about his club champ 'victories' are incredible! The author does...
  • Orikoru
    Orikoru replied to the thread YouTubers..
    With the overwhelming evidence suggesting Trump's handicap is of the vanity variety, I'm surprised he's leaving him self open to such a...
  • Orikoru
    Orikoru reacted to Morfeen75's post in the thread YouTubers. with Like Like.
    I like Bryson but feel this isnt a great move.